I Appeal To Caesar!

First, consider the lame man that Jesus healed and then told to take up his bed and walk. Jesus was not condemned for healing the man —but, for then telling the man to carry his mat (bed) home! Second, consider this rather bazaar concept: “… it was lawful to wear shoes, without nails, but unlawful to have nails, because nails were a ‘burden,’ and burdens could not be carried on the Sabbath.” Peloubet’s, 1949, p. 54.

Characteristic Attitudes of Pharisees that Jesus did not condone (based on Acts 20) : 1.

Always requesting a sign to verify Jesus’ actions and words. 2. Fearful of the popularity of Jesus and John the Baptist. 3. A shallow interpretation of Old Testament Scripture. 4. They loathed tax-gatherers and sinners. 5. Could not equate Jesus with God, so could not believe He could forgive sin. 6. Could not understand why Jesus’ disciples did not fast. 7. Forbade religious activity on the Sabbath, feeling it unlawful. 8. Jesus felt the “righteousness” of the Pharisees did not meet God’s standards. 9. Pharisees were obsessed with washings, etc., but not their inner condition. 10. Jesus and John considered them spiritually blind. 11. Jesus called them evil and adulterous for seeking a sign. 12. The teaching of Pharisees had the effect of a “spiritual leaven.” 13. Jesus said their leaven was their hypocrisy. 14. They would judge Jesus without a proper hearing. 15. They would not accept Jesus’ healings, etc., as a sign of God’s confirmation. 16. They said Jesus was a Samaritan and had a demon. 17. They labeled Jesus as a sinner. 18. They would not agree with Jesus’ assessment that they were spiritually blind. 19. The Pharisees were lovers of money. 20. They planned to kill Jesus and justified themselves. 21. Considered themselves righteous, viewing others with contempt. 22. Jesus disagreed that wives could be divorced for slight infractions. 23. They recognized that some of Jesus’ parables specifically applied to them.

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