I Appeal To Caesar!

24. Pharisees were in the crowd that captured Jesus in Gethsemane. 25. The Pharisees were among those who appealed to Pilate to seal the tomb. 26. Jesus said they invalidated the Word of God (Mk 7:13). 27. The Pharisees didn’t understand Scripture or the power of God (Mk 12:24). 28. They did not like paying taxes to Rome; Jesus did so without complaint. 29. Pharisees, Sadducees and Herodians had common animosity against Jesus. 1. The Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4), 2. No other gods (Exodus 20:3), and 3. Moses at Sinai (Exodus 3:14) Endnotes for Chapter 4, The Stoning P. 1 Acts 6:2-8. Stephen was made a “deacon.” Acts 6:1-8 tells how the first deacons were selected. Also, Paul the Apostle later mentions the qualifications that were set up for the ordination of such ministries in the local churches (1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1:5-15). P. 3 Language of the Spirit. See 1 Corinthians 14:14ff. Note v. 18 where Paul says, “I thank God, I speak in tongues more than you all.” It is not only possible to pray audibly in the Spirit in tongues, but also silently in your mind as well. It is one amazing way of edifying oneself, just as Paul taught—and a powerful tool in prayer. P. 2 The Meeting Place. The Sanhedrin was the Jewish supreme legislative, religious, and judicial court. Although they had previously met elsewhere, around A.D. 30 it moved to a section of The Royal Porch. “The Sanhedrin met in a semicircular structure at the east end of the Royal Porch, its seventy-one members sitting in two semicircular rows of benches, their president at the center …. The court in the Royal Porch, however, was open on its north side, so people could stand and watch the Sanhedrin in progress. A. Garrard, p. 30. The Scripture References used by Caiaphas: P. 2-3 Acts 6:13-14. The false accusations.

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