Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

7 BISHOP OF LEAVENWORTH PASSES AWAY Whole Diocese Mourns the Death of Bishop Johannes

Left for Leavenworth TIH Thursday rollo\\·ing, Bisl10v Jo- hanne.· left for Lea\·enworth. .\s he pa~sPd out to take a waiting car the pupil~ 91' \he Imm.:i('ulate Conception ~clwol, tlH> most beloved by Bishop Johannes, were out in full force to "·an> a "fare\,·ell" to him. Twel\'\' autos io \rniti,1~ were linPrs whirl! had romp from L,-,scort acrompani d thi body to the rPsi

\t't, r an illnes,; of sen•ral months, th,, :'\lost Rev. Francis Johannes, D.D., Bishop of LeaYenworth, died Saturdav morn!ng. :'\larch 13, at St. Jo.·eph;s Ho,;p1tal. DenYer, Colo. BLhop Johan- nes was born in '.\Iittelstreu, Bavaria, Feb. 17, l 7-1. His parents, l'rban and ,\nna Johannes. when he was but )·ears of age, left Europe for .\.merica, anti shortly after arriving in this country took up their residence in :'11is- souri, locating in St. Jost>ph. Besides their son. Francis, the family also in- cluded an older son, Florian, and a daughter, '.\fary. '.\Irs. Johannt>s. becoming n_wmbens_ of the Immaculate Concep- tion Pansh after locating in St. Jo- seph, sent their son, Francis. to the parish school, conducted by the Sisters of St. Joseph. Young as he was when he <·ompleted the elementary grades ot Iha t school. he had shown unusual deYotion to study and his pastor, the late Right Rev. '.\1sgr. C. L. Linnen- kamp. first Vicar of the Diocese of St. JosPph, whose prolege he became en- courai?;ed him to take up a cours'e at Rt. BPnPclict's College, Atchison. Kan. Successfu l Student TherP he attained proficiency in the classic~ and when his course was fin- the Seminary of st. Francis at '.\iilwaukee, ~ris .. for ii was evi1lent that the promising youth had a vocation to the priesthood. During the years that he was at the seminary the future priest and Bishop was al- ways the model studPnt, conspicuous for his piety. fide lity to rule. and ap- :'II r. and isht>d entered During his vacation months he spent much of his time at the Immaculate plication to study.







at 10


nes was

Wednesday morning al the Cathedral



•. of the Inun,.culatP Conreption at Lrin Conception Rectory, where he devoted CP~' 1th ~ 1 r _.Tol~anne~ ht-Id se,·Pral ,l!o- was given in his honor, the ladies of enworth. Archbishop John J. Glen non~ several hours daily to study, and some- F. an_. 1 f~c~~- \\ 1_1h IhP :\fost Rev. the Se" ing Circle , ponsoring the af- of St. Louis was the celebrant. The times sketching. for he had much I 'UH is CTi_lfilla 1;- Ilisho11 of St. Joseph. air. ' Most Rev. C. F . Buddy, D.D., Bishop of taste as an artist. 1 ~d 11_1P Right T,eY _:\l_~gr. •!· P. Brady. . Ma d e Bishop San Diego, Cal., preached the sermon. His Ord inat ion 1 ; 0 '.nwr, be- ~f. an <' 01 ! 1 _t an?. C'~nsi'.ltor. HP was worth on Dec. 16, 1927, and on May 1, B!i:;hop Thomas Lillis of Kansas City, ('a USP of his youth, was deferred to .\ 1 ~~-i/;.. In P 1n.iests '\ ho .isPrYed as 1928, was consecrated Coadjutor Bish- B~Rhop C. H. Le Blond of St. Joseph, the following Jan. 3. 1897, when. in the · .. · 0 Y Council to tl!e Bishop. He op of Lea enworth by the late Bishop Bishop Francis Tief of Concordia and o_M Churrh of the Immaculate Concep- ;~:~"'t 1e of th e exammers of junior F_rancis ~ il fill~n. The Most Rev. Fran- ~is(1op Augu~t Schwertner of \Vichita. t1on. where he had made his first · . . CIS J. T1ef, Bishop of Concordia, and Iluee Archbishops, eleven Bishop,;, a confpssion. his First Communion and O Silver Ju~ilee . th_e '.\Iost Rev. Augustus J. Schwertner score of :\Ionsignori and 250 priests "as ronfirmed. he was elevated to the !in /;e of th e· moS t mtere~tmg events Bishop of Wichita. were the co-con: ancl many representatives or 8ister- priesthood by Bishop M. F. Burke. (obse~-~ annals ~f t?P_ Jl'_ns)1 was ~he s~crators. Msgr. James p_ Brady, hoo~ls werp also present. Father .JohanneR ,·as thP first prif"st oc~urr:Jcf' ~; his sih,i 1: 1bilee. ~vluch Vic·ar GPneral of the DlocPse of St. Bishop Johannes was buried in st. onlaiupd for the Diocesf' of St. Jo- Jf he s I Jal · 3: 192 "· rhe_ ch1ldr~n Joseph, 1,reached the sermon. Arch- Mary's Cemelery, Leavenworth, his seph by Bishop Burke. hi/ 1 c _1° 0 g~: e an ent:rta_mment m bishop Glennon 11resided. in the sane- gravP being next to that of Bishop Ass ist an t Past or ~ 1 t 1 · ~ nd -:i_ '.lollars 111 sih:er "·ere tuary, and a notable gathering of the \Yard, his predecessor. Following his ordination. Father Jo- Jll'es:it!~ 11 1 1 th eu bouquet w~uch they Hierarchy and clergy attended. Hundreds Pay Tribute hannes became assistant to :.Ionsignor D. · r h 1 on ~hat occaswn. The He was the first priest of St. Jo- Tlw hundreds of people who attend- Linnenlrnmp. whose pastorate covered~-/ ama, ir a,ncl Social. Qlub prPsented seph to be elevated to the Hierarchy. Pd hi,; funernl last \\'Pdnesclay and the a period close to fifty years. In this 1 111111 with a chest of sih·e1'. !though the late Bi hop John J . Ho- eulogies heard from all classes werP capacily he remained for twentY-one .\t the Solemn JubiJ,.p ~lass which gan, fir t Bishop of the Diocese of St. a most eloquent testimonial of his ) Pars, until the death of the :\Ionslgnor 1!e celebrated t!Hi sermon was de- J?seph, frequently, as a missionary in senire to his God and his Church. in 1918. Jiypred by F,1tber A. Schaefer a for-• orthwest :\Iissouri. ministPrPd to the One of the most fitting tributf's was One of his first successes as a:,;sist- llt>r "bo? nf the parish." Th~ Right s_piritu_al wants of St. Joseph's C'atho- a_n editorial in the Kansas City Times. ant pastor was the> organizalion of tbP "'· \tbot Veith bestowed Benerlle• hrs. his plaC'e of residence prior to his l nclpr thf' C'aption, ",\ GrPat Catholic Dramatic and Social Club, which has i\,,1_, ,:.Iany local, as well as out-of- consecration was at Chillicothe, l\10. LPacler," The Times said: bePn the means of promoting socia- lf):·n clergy_ attem!Pcl the ceremonv In appearance the new dignitary was "In lhe comparatively few years that bility among the younger elpment of :nHl werp ente>rtainecl laler at a di!ine;' th~ typical Bishop. Hig countenance he sen·ed as Catholic Bishop of LPav- the pari~h. The club has also provpn Ill t, e rectory. .\mong them were r~flectecl, as always. the serenity of Pn" orth the :'lfost Rev. Francis Johan- the source of financial helpfulnPs~ for Right Reverend Dishop Burke, Right his t1_-an~uil disnosition, but a new. 1~es led his diocese through thf' trying thP pariish. Rev. Abbot Veith ot \tchison and the l'Plestial JOY seemed radiating from his time~ of the depression. He inspired As Pastor Re\'. H. F. Xiem,lnn of '.\Iarn·ilJe who f Patures on that occa..ion. conf1clence. Those who have heard From 1!llS to 192, he gr1Ted a,; 1ias- a~sbted him on the altar that mo~ning- \\'!wn ;ipr~achecl u11on t!Je subject him speak can understand his strong tor of the parish. and late1 succPedecl him as pastor of of his elPvat1on at that time. Bishop 1nf_lui>ncP. Ilroad-shoulclered, sancly- \s pastor. Father Johannes was thP parish. Johannes said to a Tribune representa- ha1red and C'alm. hf' gave a striking eminently successful. one of his Father .Jchannes did not pprmit the tive: "The appointment came to me imJffPssion of force. His words, care- achievPments being the erertion of a coni:crec:ation to give him a purse, as a complete su~·prise. It was unex- F1;1lly C'hos_en_ and backed by facts. rar- parochial school building at a cost of neYertheJp;,~. I. "a.- made the recipi- pected and unsolicited upon my part, rwcl C'Onnction. isomethine: -like $ii5.000. the debt of ent of numerou c:ift;: and telegrams. but may God"s Holy \\'ill at all times _"\\'hi IP many other persons "ere which was almost cleared at the time ln the <>VPning- an informal reception be done. '.\fy acceptance is in obedi- fne:hlPilPd by talk of strangP and clan- of his elf'Yation. HP establi;;hecl thP ence to the Holy Father. whom the c,,rous forcP. Bishop .Johannes stUC'k 'Third Order of St. Francis. which is Holy Ghost assi,-ts and directs in the to the funclamPntals ancl "·as unmcne,l now a flourishing order. govprnment of the Church. The "-ork by the winds that blew 1rnst him. n .. Priestly Character I am to do as Coadjutor Bishop will k,-,p !1is confide1Jr•e in the .\nwriran ,\s ;i priest of the St. Joseph Dio- bP a,-sie:necl me by His Lordship. the o•md "oPs. It J,pca•ne the basis for cese Father .Tohannf's "·as JookPrl unon :\lost RPY. Dishop of Lea,·enworth. I his report to I?opP Pius XI at h<> timP as the "most stead>" ancl the most ATTEND SERVICES FOR shall pray cfaily for thP Bishop. the of his at! limina trip to Romp thr,,,~ pious.'" In his priestly career Father BISHOP J OHANNESpriestR. the reli_gious_and thf' peop!P of h',~ls ago_.. . ,TohannPs \\HS the rruP \mbass;Hlor of Tl R _ , • . .. the LeaYenworth Diocese. and I beg In adrhtion to bemg a strong- mo al Christ. Fortified by all thosP char- 1 , 1".. ~'· 1 ; • oonan: :-e, P Gil,il-them not to forget me in their piou;; ·•ml rcli::,:ious IPade in hi,; dioc-,•Sf', acteristirs- -sf'lf-control. perfert obedi- an. : er~ Re,· .T. J. ':l · elll. th e ReY. prayprs. that Goel may gi\·e me e:racP Bishop Johannes was known wirlPIY f'llCI' to his supPriors, fore:e'ful of per-~- ~' o~an, th e R_ '· \\ m. Gott and the o s:•n·e them well." _ for his sane business jnde:ment. an im- :sonal rnse or comfort. ruge:e,l determi- e\ · Eel. .~umnnns _atti•nded the Sol- B1,-hop Johannes succeeded to the p0rtant a tribute during tht cleprp,;- nation to do his dutY at anv cost--hf' enrn PontJflcal RequiPn) ::-.rass TuesdaySee of Lean·n"·orth on April 20, 1929. sion He kept the Catholic institutions \\,.s tl·e iclt>al priPsi and P:'ls'o. hal m? 1 :mng offere,I for Bishop _J?lrn nn sThus Bishop Johannes com11letecl forty in n strnng financial condition. \II Jowr-,l anrl sanctifier! by t11f' power of b~ _he } 1c~t. R_Pv _Th_o " '~: 'i•. D.n • ':ar:; in 11,e prirstho9,1 and more than of hi,- aet iYitit•s reflecterl that ~amP f' l"s PTrrp i Kan,ais Cit~. Kan~. e1?ht :Pars In the Episcopate. "Pll-gT0111Hle1l assuranc-t combilwd with conspna tism. He knP" 1, hat lw "as doing and keJ)t on doing it. "His years with tht> diocese werP particularly active years. He lil,ecl and pncouragPd conferences for the ~eld _Diocesan Offices -- -. _ -

priesthood, sodalities for Ciit)1olic Ac- tion by tlif' women, and gatherings of all the lay members of the comn'" 11• tions in his diocese. Hi~ Influence pushed rapidly the building of the Ward Catholic Hi~h School in Kan- sas City. Kan .. and the fournling of thP St. .\ugustine '.\Tission Seminary. and lw was aggressiYe in promoting Lile charitable activities."' :.Iay his soul rest in peace.

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