Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)



A1 1li • hcginnm~ of !he ceremony of installation as Bishop Buddy knelt bdor-: till • lt.u Archbishop C.111twcl/ ,ll extreme right. f.1cmg the c.1mrr,1. Cut Courtesy San D1cyo \'ctn.

His Grace, alost Rev. John J. Cantwell

These pictures of Bishop Buddy's first crowded hour in San having to await her turn to kiss the bishop's xing. Something Diego reveal several facets of his engaging personality. On thl' of the bishop's love of nature is reflected in the expression with left, standing on the steps of the special car that brought him which he regards floral gifts sent to his temporary home on Sun- here from his nati\·c city, he shows the smile that instantly won set Cliffs. The bishop's devoutness is shown in the two pictures the hearts of hundreds. The graver expression in the second at the right; in the first he is shown praying in the chapel of his picture was occasioned by the tears of a child disappointed at home where he celebrated Mass immediately on his arrival there.

The last picture shows the bishop's sister, Sister .~agdal~n,. su- perior of Sacred Heart Academy, Ogden, Utah, kissmg his nng. Stster .Magdalen is a member of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, whose motherhouse is in Notre Dame, Indiana. -Photo Courtesy San Diego Sun.

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