Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

..................•...•............ • LI, T ,NI . D Invit y our non-Catholic fr! nd to turn on their radio each Sunday momln at 8:16 a.m.. tatlon KOB, and b n- il htcned a.bout th Catholic r1 llglon po IUv pr nta- tlon of Imp! truth . .•••..•.....••............••..•.••••



------ -- VOL. XXVII-N o. 19 .

Price 5 Cents


Twenty-five Years a Priest


OBSERVE lAWS or HUMANITY, raNTlff ASK~ Belligerants Reminded of 1 Agreements to Observe International L a w s to Spare Civil Populations VATICAN CITY, Sept. 15 -Since the outbreak of hu:,;- tilities in Europe has made it impossible to lead the na- tions to an honorab1e and lasting peace at present. "We shall endeavor at least to alleviate the wounds of those already afflicted and those who will be afflicted in the future," His Holiness Pope


It is often 20, 30 years or even longer before the real causes of a war are known to the public. Diplomats behind closed doors sllow not their hands. Intricate questions, biased by personal greed or ambition wield a power- ful influence. A close censorship witholds the truth. The poisonous propaganda spread 25 years ago, the lying tales that took a quar- ter century to explode should make us suspicious and wary. Our country must not indulge in the hltternesi; and hatreds of the armed conflicts over there. can defend ours.elves when We the necessity arises. In the meantime let us defend curselves from cun- ning propaganda. • • • THE WORST ENEMY The secret crime that under- mines . a .nation .continues .its deadly work here and in other

San Diego Bishop to Preach Sermon at Solemn Mass in Los Angeles. The centenary of the fowida- tion of the Little Sisters of the Poor, who have been established in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles since 1905, will be observed ep- tember 29 with Pontifical Mass in St. Vibiana's Cathedral celebrated at 9:30 a.m. by the Most Rev. John J. Cantwell. Archbishop of Los Angeles. The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of San Diego, will preach the sermon at t h e Mass. Bishop Buddy will celebrate a · Pontifical Mass at the chapel of the Little Sisters at 9:30 a.m. on . Oct. 30 and the Most Rev. Thomas K. Gm-m,m. Bishop of Reno, will officiate at a similar function on October 1. Local Broadcast Explains 'Heaven' Series Growing in Interest As Fifth is Held The fifth in the series of broad- casts sponsored by the Holy Name Society, which is heard each Sun- day morning at 8: 15 over KGB,

Ceremonies Impressive at Cathedral Tu• day as Bishop Celebrates olemn Pontifical 1asi,,; Pri • t , Si. ters and Lay PeoJ)le Attend in Large umber,; 82 Year- Old Priest Who Baptized Bisho1> A:sist · at Ma:· By GERALDI E F'LOER. CH "You came with a ble ·ing and :ou remain a hi• ing to us. Our heart· throb their rratitu

to their Most Rev n·nd Bl hop on the occasion of 11 s 25th an 11v r- ary In the pr1 t110od on Tues- day. t St. Joseph's Cath dral when His Excellency, B hop Chari cis Buddy cclebrat d a That same not of apprecia- tion to God was In th1 every person Tu day mornln lu art of

Theophilus Lewis, well . known Negro writer, and dramatic critic of the "Interracial Review " who was recently admitted to the Catholic church, at the Church of St. Benedict the Moor, Jamaica, L. I. The Rev. John LaFarge, s.J.,

Though no sermon was given at the Most Rev. Bishop's anni- versary Mas. Tuesday, His Excel- lecy spoke a few words at the I Votive Mas

countries with alarming boldne~s. Pius XII said yeS t c rd ay,

Unnatural birth contrcl defies the laws of nature. degrades women, Pontiff said, "'Ve are pleased to ceived him Into the churchJ makes them toys and slaves to the recall some statements with ~-~-~~--~~- caprice of man-deprives them of which the belligerant powers pub- [ • "In this regard," the Sovereign associate editor of "America," re-



• t d




Blessed Sacrament In Ing for hi 25 yf."ar

close of the Mass. as follows: "It would seem lacking In gra- cious appreciation if some little word of profound gratitude were not expressed to nil those who



in th • priest-

affirm their willingness to:


the sublime dignity of mother-


ew Buildinns

hood. Pre· nt ln th• mmd of earh at the Mass and of th• thou and

hood. But more, it can wreck a obrnrve the laws ~f huma~ity and nation moi·e swiftly than war. Sir to conform to stipulated mterna-

duril,g t h':' Checked on Tour -~

ho were unable to


in the Nineteenth tional

Leo Money,

have made this jubilee day im- mony lcs pressive and joyful-first to our devoted priests who have cele- brated so many Masses for the unworthy B hop of San Diego, to the Venerable Sisters who, with the children, have offered count-



Century, London, writes: "What could the i.ittcrest enc-

"Spec1ally, We hope that each nation will spare civil Making a tour of the northern that she should teach her young pc pulaticns from the effects of end of the diocese last week. the women not to become mothers? direct military operations. Mo::-t Rev. Bishop spoke at the IL takes a great deal of warfare to destroy as many people as private and open counsels now hall, San Bernardino, my of England desire more than wa1ring

"That priwners of war will be. third of a series of p'.lrish meet- dealt with two questions: ''What treated humanely, and that with• Is Heaven?.•• an•" ''What Are An- ings in St. Bernardine's parish out hindcrance they can receive lContinuc

or x-

leader.ship wa

I His Exc1;IIeney, ~i,;hop F. _Bu~dy, who Tu':Sdav mar~ed the twent.v-hfth anmversarv of his ordmahon to the priesthood with that a Solemn l\Iass of Thanksgiving in St. Joseph's Cathrrlriil. His Ex-

Jess prayers and spiritual bou- quets; to all the beloved people of the Dioces who received Holy Communion for me For this, In- deed is my greatest need-this i the one link of prayer that binds us all togeth r v. lth "golden cl1 In about the fe~ t of God." ''Looking back through the ru h of years them mory of that gr at day is still fr sh when. for the first time th

conspire to kill. Birth Control, in every year since 1918, has sup- pressed more lives than were de- stroyed by the Germans in the bloodiest year of the Great war. If the object of war is to kill, then the war on births is the most

a special fund for the parish. Before returning home His Ex ellenry visited the St. Bernar- dine's Hospital and then made &. tr p to Colton to view the remod- elmg and elongation of the San s. lvador church there a.nd thence in the va t Improvements. now com- pleted m St. Francis of Assisi e ,urch and the nPw hall, together with he new convent of the a,mml{! llters In St. Francis de Sales parish. Descanso Parish To Have Mission DESCANSO Blessed Sacra- ment parish here will have its first mission to which an invita- tion is being extended to Catholic and non-Catholic alike by the Paulist speaker of San Fr_anc1sco, I to view the improve- He was i:>specially interested ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 15- Ncwly - discovered cellular sub- stances which "may go far to- ward explaining the cause of can- cer and which may be of great use in an eventual cure" were described in a paper read before the Third International Cancer Congress, this week in Atlantic City, by Dr. George S. Sperti, na- tlonally-known director of the In- stitutum Div! Thomae, Cincin- nati. "The future may find at least a I problem in a combination of surg- ery, controlled X-Rays and these newly-designated cellular meta- bolic controlling factors," he said. The new substance, he pointed out, are products of cells and control the growth, breathing anct gJycolysis of the cells. I Dr. Spcrti expressed the opinion that ''the time has come when these substances may be used in the clinical investigation of can- cer, however. it must be under- stood that their significance in the treatment of cancer has not yet been established." PREVIOU PAPER OU'l'Ll.'ED 'Radiations, Cellular Matabol- partial solution of the cancer day October 8.

is the place where we cellency, who wa ap))Ointed first Bishop of San Die~o bv the late realize at the perfect vision Holy Father on Oct. 31, 1!136, was ordained in the Basilica of t. John Lateran, the Cathedral of Rome, Sept. 19, 1914.

Dedicated Sunday Sunday was a gala day in St. Didacas parish. the :Most Rev.

of God; the place where all our tears are wiped away-all our love and longing completely satisfied in the possession of our Divine Lover And in this place of bli'lS

Dates Set For Ceremonies At Little Flower Haven ept. 2'2.- on ecration of the Altar in the chapel at the Little Flo\\ er Ha,·en h re by the Most Rev. Bishop has been set for. Ionday, Octob r 2, at 8:00 a.m., while the dedication of the chap l and the ble . ing of the elaborate new aduition to the Haven \\ill b held LA MESA,

~uccessful warfare of all time." Bishop having dedicated both the England should reallze, as should new parish school, 1s b ing all other countries similarly af- conducted by the Sislers of the ~licted, that so :ar as the future I Holy cro s and the new convent 1s concerned, Birth Control and for the sjst rs. not the gunpower of any nation T!Je dedication ec·remonies pre- ~r combination of nations is Pub-1 ced. d the Solemn Noon Mass and he Enemy Number One." the cl rgy wnlk cl m proce Ion t::i • • • , and fl om both bmldin"S. w1U1 THEY 'A. IE BEST ExceTI n<..--y a e t The new St Dldacus Parochial Rev. Luke Deignan pastor. In School opened its doors lust w ck talk the Mo~t Rev BI hop str ~- with a capacity attendance. The.: eel th neecl of Catholic educativn. prople of that parish !mow what The R 'V. P. J. O'Malley s eel- children. They are not content with just the three R's. They demand a 4th R Religion the most im- portant item in elementary edu- O'Donog!rne as master of cere- monies. 'I' he ·very Rev. Patrick they want for their

to R1versid are the angels. those pure spirits ments in church property there. who were "the first citizens of

ch suble f 11 ov1 r boulders and when all the aspiration h art and soul with nd th unfulf!ll d ju th old 1mp1 wl h human frailty

Heav "--ereated for the purpo1:e of giving glory to God and to serve as the guardians of men, especially in the hour of death. Father O'Connor gave a grap 1 l' picture of Heaven and the angel'--;s..,....,,',ll#,""...,;;;;_;;;,..;_,.,....,.,_r1-1 in this flf h broadcast of the s ory Bi hop, Priests at "The Highway to Heaven.'• Mass for Mother NEW YORK. Sept. 12 · - The Rev. Bishop in attendance and 25 National Federation _of Catholic priests of the clty and county as- College Students. at its first na- , sisting, Mass of Requiem was cele- tional convention held Saturday brated September 14 in our Lady at Manhattanville College of the of Guadalupe Church, here, by the Rev. Francis La Pieza, AR., operation to the National Catholic for the repose of the soul of his COLLEGE STUDENTS PLEDGE COU CIL AID Of Local Priest ,..,.. SAN DIEGO. - With the Most

ine Heart of Je us. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M Hegarty, VG., will c· lcbrnte the dedicatory Mass with His Excel- lency preaching the s rmon and presiding at the Mass. The Very Rev. F. A. Wekenman and the Rev. Rudolfa Fortier will act a:, chaplain of honor to the Bishop, while the deacon and sub-d con of the Mass will be the Very R v. Francis Ott and the R v Thomas Lehane. - PAPAL K IGHT :\lADE .C.C.M. OFFICIAL Alb rt V. Mayrhofer, K.C.H S., has received appointment as San Diego diocesan representative of the National Council of Catholic Men, which organization spun ors the national ''Catholic Hour" ach Sunday at 2 :00 p.m. (P, cific Stan- dard Time>. Mr. Mayrhofe1 's ap- pointment com .s from Loui Ken- edy, national presid nt, In recog- nition of his accomplishm nts here. 24,-lH CIIJLDREN I. 1939 VACATIO. HOOL LOS A GELES, Sept 15 va- cation schools in Los Angele en- rolled 21,414 ch1Idren under th· direction of the Confrat rnity of Christian Doctrine,

ebrant of the Mass was as....ste by the Rev. William Casey as dea- con, the Rev. Thomas Lehane as suo-deacon and the Rev. Daniel the Rev. Thomas ,J. McNamara were chaplains to th~ Bishop. seated also m the sanctu- ary was the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, V.G. ancl his chap- be Iain, the Rev. Joseph P. O'Leary. 10 Million Given To Reds In U.S. WASHINGTON, Sept. 15.-The c!eclaration that more than $10,- 000 000 passed through 43 bank accounts maintained by the Amer- ican Communist Party in the la~t four or five years was made before a House committee investigating un-Ame1 ican activities. William E Browder. brother of Earl Browder. the p:uty's execu- tive Si)Cretary and Carl Marweg, committee accountant. testified. While he was financial secre- tary, from 1927 until early this year, collections averaged $20 ear.h yc:tr from each of the 27,000 mem- ber:; in New York State, William Browder stated. ~- SEVE DAYS LEFT TO REGISTER! It is necessary for you to r g- istcr if: 1. You have never registered 2. You failed to vote at the elections last year. 3. You have changed your place of residence since you li,st voted. Dunne :::.nd You are entitled to regiswr if you have been a citizen of the United Stat<-s for 90 da.vs; a rc:,ident of the State for one year; a rrsident of your count_y for 90 day,; and a residcn of your precinct for , '10 days. If in doubt. nu ke sure y0t1 are prop rly registered :;o that you can express your views on the vital issues appearing on the November 7 ballot. Scptem- bcr 28 ls the final day of regs-

cation 'fhe parents are waling to be taxed doubl.v-to support the public schools and to build, equip and maintain their parochial schocl because they know that if this American civilization is to survive future citizens must and trained to think clearly, to reason correctly, to know why they arc living-Who sent their immortal sculs to inform this structure ol clay-to Whom they are respons- ible and why. They have the ut- most confidence that the educa- tors in charge-consecrated to the uplift of youth-are fully equip- ped to fulfill their sublime mis- sion. Not once a week but every school day the little tots will learn with their ABC's that there Is a God, that He is our loving Father, that He created us to know. to love and to serve Him in this life so as to be happy with Him forev r in Heaven. With this charter for existence deeply im- µressed on their young minds they can build wisely fer the future. * • • Young at 82, one of the delight- ful surprises for the Bishop'::; Jubilee was the attendance of the venerable Benedictine, 1',athcr Ba- sil O'Dermatt. O.S.B. This learned priest, who is a noted authority on the liturgy of the church, offi- ciated at the Baptism of San Di- ego's Bishop 51 years ago. When 1 His Excellency was consecrated Bishop, Father Basa stood by hi~ side as Assistant Priest. So it 11ccmecl uccorcling to poelic jus- tice that the same priest should be given the honor of Presbyter Assist..1ms at the Solemn Pontifical Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving, The venerable prieiit knows how to live Early to bee! and early lo l'ise, a light diet and very little of it. much study uncl almost C'on- .stanl cure of souls, is his simpl • ~chedule of the day. groundecl in the essentials

pastor, the Rev. Michael Deneaf. Sacred Heart pledged its full co-

"Vividly before m

the Natio~1al mother, who died in Spain.


The Rev. Father Lyons, fa~ed Youth Council in

many who ar

Assisting Father Francis in celf'-

Catholic Welfare Conferenc~, _1_n- week's mission, which opens Sun-1 of ~11 Catholic youth groups in the I has been secured to give

throu h these 25 dC' r d themselv of kindness and

the tended to correlate the act1v1t1es brating the Mass were the Rev.

Edmund Austin, o.F.M. and the

,continued on page 3)

Uruted States.

.l:xperiment§ I:xplil.ined • • cientist Believes New Substance May Help Solve Cause of Cancer

In outlining a series of experi- ments conducted by the Insti- tutum, he indicated that "pro• longed injury to a cell results in the secretion by the injured but still living cell of vast quantit!es of growth factors." Similarly, he said, certain types of injury cause the elaboration of substances (Continued on pa1

ternationally-known for his sig- nificant cancer investigations, Dr. Sperti's address was presented to experts from all over the world. FOR CATHOLIC ACTION

Monk WhoTurned Down $1,500,000 Estate for Priesthood Dies at 86 FORT AUGUSTUS Sept. 12. - missionary, Abbot Hunter-Blair Abbot David Hunter-Blair, inter- I was one of the ou_tst.andmg fig- nationally kn own Benedictine ures of the Cathollc Church In

monk who renounced a $1,500,- modern Europe. 000 baronetcy to enter the relig- POPULARIZED



ious life, died yesterday at Fort Augustus Abbey, famed institu- tion on the shores of Loch Ness. He was 86 years old. Abbot Hunter-Blair's death end's a life that followed tho:: lines of a dramatic and excitin11 novel, its story ranging from the principal character's early days as an heir to a large title and fortune and as a Captain of mili- tia to retirement as a Titular Ab- bot 1n a great religious Order. spurning the prest,ige and rosy future · of a titled Protestant

Abbot Hunter-Blair achieved fame in a project of hi decl!nm years that helped r tain th!! colorful tone of his llfe to th end. This was the und rtakln to convince the world of the exi t- cnce of a •·sea monster" approxi- mating the proportions and ap- pear9.nce of mythical sea er- pents. To the end, the Abbot af- firmed the creature dw It In hr deep expanse of Loch Ness. Throughout his travel he att,,si- ed to its c.• 15 tence by the witness I

FRIDA . ~ept. 29, G:00 a. m, the Poor, IA Angel

FRIDAY, St>pt. 21!. 9:30 a. m.-. t. Vlh 1 an ' g Its. Cl'n«·nnial of Uu l, Ule , S1•11t. 30, 9:30 :t.m, ha~I of Uu the Poor, J,o Anitl'h , olrmn l'onhflr SU DAY. Ort. l, 9:30 11 m.-Our I d • of Ito Oir,;o. Jlol. 1: mon. , AT RJ>A

rnl, 1..os An-


i tc-r of tht 1•,,or.



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fin Ir

craUon of


lt r.

.,,., C'r

I> di at 011 of IJttl

, O<·t. 3, 9:00 a,m. -


Jlavl'n, La Mesa.

. Oct. 4. 11:30 n,m.-- L


an ntra:o, Jlol MR , O,•t. 5-('I le

to , tudrnt Hod',


THURSI>A st DA of his own eyes. He d cnbed it and told how orten he had s C'n the "serpent" disporting i elf ill . the monastery's lake. Report from many other reliable ources , have all confirmed the Abbot'. : asse1tions and it seem agr<'ed ,· there is a "Loch Ncs Mont 'r." •---------------------------- luh, P Im Spring , d1lrr. . , Oct. II. 10:00 a m.-1 dlr.ation of th1 < huri h or Our J.,ad. of l'NPt'III I llt•l11, lndlo. DAY. Oct. K. 4 :00 tJ,m.-l>rdkatlon or st. I• rand d S Convent. Rlvf'r lllr.. BY ORDER OF THE MO, 1' REVF,RE ND Bl, 'HOP. Kt { St11 ·k, ·, I l'l't rv,

-------- gentleman, Abbot Hunter Blair i•m and Cancer Immunity", was The Catholic Act i o n Medal, entered the Catholic Church and the subject of his paper which awarded annually by St. Bonaven-







regist r,

tration. To

vitul quest1011, his mind is keen, fur seeing, appreciative, retentive, A Jaunt of over 2000 miles from ' the midcllc west wa•; nothing for wPlcome spiritual.

ture College, Allegany, N. Y., to a became a Benedictine monk only member of the aCtholic laity out- to embark on a career that rival- standing for his services to the led, if not surpassed, for accom- Church, has been awarded to Wil-. . . . . Ham F. Montavon, K.S.G., Direc- , pl!sllment and pos1t1on, anythmg t?r of the Lcg_al Department, Na- he might have realized i11 the t1onal Catholic WeHare Confer- world. As churchman, writer, ence. Blank & toiler photo.

county Registrar's office, Room 10, Broadway Courthouse.

was an outline of some 70 previous ,:,,.) papers on cancer published by the

from both Bishop and members of the staff of the Mt. this vigorous son of St. Benedirt, Priest.; of Sun Diego, who were 111- Washington, Cincinnati, scienti!k who is 82 y-,ars of age, over 56 spirccl by his presence and his center. A member of the Pontifi- years a priest. He had a warm message, cal Academy of Sciences and in-

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