Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

F riclay, R<'plcmhr.r 22, rn:m N. Y. Cathol" cs Aid Stranded YouthH NEW YORK, Sc11( 12 N<'W York Cnthollr h, \'' 1,. llic cl t.o the aid of the 85 Europ, an dl'I< gn Lr', t.o Orn l'ighlcrnth ;11munl Con- grf'.ss of Pax Homa11.1 l11Lern11- tional fcderat1011 ol Culhoilc col- Jc gc s( udcnt' to promo!! pcac<'. wl10 ha Y!' bcn1 d •lainrd lwre us a result of thr> war m F.uropc smcc th<' Conr.n clo: f'cl on f;Pptnnbcr 8. A '\It He< of Jood and lodgm" until th y ca11 return hom<' have bern obtauwd ior tlw dclr>gales by the A11w1'icun Pax Romana committcP R·: Y'A·N \.S . . ' . . iC.~l~'mn of E~erit s.

upporL Lhc Advertisers-They Support You. Negro In Industry Problems Discussed At Interracial Meeting PITTSBURGH, Sept. 4.-Appeals for sincere Catho- lic interest in the welfare of the Negro, to the end that alleviation of the injustices from which members of the Colored race in this country suffer might help to advance the cause of justice and thus help bring peace back into



Du uth See Marks 50th Anniversary DULUTH Minn, Sept.. 8. A three-day celebration. SC'pt.c•mbcr 17. 18 and 19, will commcmorak the fiftieth anniversary of tll' Dioce~e of Duluth, accordmg to plans being perfected here. Bishop Welch has rcqucstccl High Macses of thanJ.-.sgiv!ng in parish churches on September 1 7 and has granted permission for Exposition of the Blessed Sacra- ment throughout that Sundav PRESIDENT ENDORSE LOYALTY DAYS IN U. S. NEW YORK. A letter from President Roosevelt indo r sin ':t Loyalty Days in the churche$ of th~ country. September 30 and October 1. has been made public here by the National Committee for Relicion and Welfare Recov- ery. and means, form and l chnique " he added. "But on ends anct principles they affreed for they possessed in common a social and intellectual backcround, they shared a basic philosophy of life and work." REFORMATION SHATTERED

Declares Catholic Literary Tradition Saved Best of Past NEW YORK, Sept. 11. The Catholic Tradition in Literature has retained preserved and united with the best classical work or the past. declared Brother Leo last night in his address over thP. "Catholic Hour". The "Catholic Hour" is broad- cast over a network of the Na- tional Broadcasting Company through Station WEAF here and is produced by the National Council of Catholic Men. Speaking en "The Stream of the Tradition". Brother Leo de- clared that in the first centurie:, "the intellectual leaders of the Faith, through guarding ever against corruption and impiety and error, welcomed into thz Christian culture the noblest of- ferings of an elder day." CATHOLIC FROM INCEPTION "From its inception, he added, "the Catholic Tradition was Catholic. It declined to repudi- ate the secular wisdom with a sectarian shrug: 'Can anything

BLESS SAN FRANCISCO MEMORIAL In the presence of 3,000 delegates of the sons of Italy, Archbishop John J. Mitty blessed this mem- orial of Guglielmo Marconi, erected on historic Telegraph Hill in San Francisco. A letter from Cardinal Maglione expressed the pleasure of Pope Pius XII on the occasion.


the world, were voiced at the eleventh annual convention of the National Catholic Interracial Fed- eration, in session here. The convention was held under the patronage of the Most Rev. Hugh C. Boyle, Bishop of Pittsburgh, who presided at a public meeting held last night. Attracting wide-spread interest was the solemn convention Mass sung in St. Paul's Cathedral yes- terday, the celebrant being a Negro priest, the Rev. Vincent Smith, S.V.D., and the subdeacon another Negro Priest, the. Rev Clarence J. Howard, S.V.D., both of Lafayette, La. Bishop Boyle was present in the sanctuary, as was the Rt. Rev. Alfred Koch, O.S.B., Archabbot of St. Vincent's Archabbey, Latrobe, Pa. Dele- gates from all parts of the coun- try filled the Cathedral. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Edward L. Hughes, O.P., of Detroit, former Editor of The Torch, and promoter of the Cause of Blessed Martin de Porres, Col- ored Lay Brother, "whose life, 300 years ago, in Peru." Father Hughes said, "exemplified the humble, Catholic charity which we should practice today to aid and to lead _to the light of the true Faith, the Negroes of the United States." ONLY 300,000 CATHOLIC "There are 13 million of these," Father Hughes went on, "and only 300,000 are Catholics; morl:! than half of them have no re- ligious affiliation at all. We must remember that the Church was founded by God as a 'missionary society' and what we call the 'Negro problem' is for us Cath- olics an opportunity and an ob- ligation to promote the great teaching mission of the Church.· Speakers at the public meeting last evening (Sunday) in Centra~ Catholic High School, were the Rev. Edward J. Curran, of Wil- low Grove, Pa.; Elmo Anderson, of New York, executi secretary of the catholic Board for Mission Work Among Colored People; Father Hughes; ;Father Smith; the Rev. James F. Eckert, pastor of St. Anselm's Church, Chicago, and the Rev. Edward C. White, C.S. Sp, pastor of the Church of St. Benedict the Moor, here. The program presented Satur- day, arranged in cooperation with the Social Action Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, Washington. D.C .. had "The Negro in Industry" as the general theme of its papers and discussions. Speakers de- scribed the special hardships and discriminations from which the Negro in industry has suffered during the depression period, and outlined measures that have been taken and others that should be "Employment of the Negro Work- er," stated that the plight of the Negro, previously distressing, ha~ been made so acute by the depres- sion as to "challenge Christianity." Forced out of his usual trades and occupations. the Negro is mi- grating into the cities in immense numbers, Lieutenant Oxley said. THREE-FOLD PROGRAM Lieut. Laurence A. Oxley, chief of Negro Placement Service, Di- vision of Special Service, U.S. De- partment of Labor, discussing

Spokane Bishop's Consecration Set SPOKANE, Sept. 15. - Conse- cration of the Most Rev. William J. Condon as third Bishop of Great Falls, Montana, will take place here October 18, it has been announced. The consecration of Bishop- elect Condon, who has been Vicar General and Chancellor of the Diocese of Spokane, will take place on the final day of the Na- tional Catholic Rural Life Con- ference. to be held here October 15 to 18. State Considering Religion Classes BATON ROUGE, La., Sept. 15. - The time is not distant when the Louisiana State Board of Ed- ucation will have to give consid- eration to requests from various groups for religious instruction in the schools, Theodore H. Harris, State Superintendent of Educa- tion. said this week at a meeting of the board. He indicated that strong de- mands are being made for 30- minute weekly religious instruc- ticn periods. The board took no action. Schools to Share Same Bus Service ROCHESTER, Sept. 12. - Free bus service from home to school and to dental dispensary will be shared by the pupils of Catholic schools and the public tax-sup- ported schools, it has been an- nounced here. Anton Lang Files For Citizenship WASHINGTON, Sept. 15.' Dr. Anton Lang, Jr., Professor of German at Georgetown Univers- it.y, and son of the late Christus of the Oberammergau I Passion Play, filed a petition for natural- ization as an American citizen l1cre this week. Cancer Cause Is Believed Found (Continued from page 1) which directly affect the breath- ing and glycolysis of the cell. He described l'esearches in which "Lhe addition of respiratory fac- t.ors increased the breathing of normal cells as much as 200 per cent." He then called attention to in- vcstigations conducted with cer- 1.ain strains of mice which were known to be susceptible or resist- ant, to cancer. "The respiration of nol'mal tissues of a strain or mice which is resistant to trans- plantable cancers is considerably higher than the average respira- tion of the normal tissues of a !iUSCeptible said. strain," Dr. Sperti Fragments of cancer were in- 1,roduced under the skin of su- 1;ccptiblc mice after injection with certain substances and it was dis- covered that "mice in which nor- mally t11c percentage of resulting cancer ranged from 75 to 95 per cent were reduced to an average of 14 per cent and in some cases to zero" through the resulting i,nmunity produced. "This work leads one Lo the conclusion that a relationship exists between the metabolism of normal cells and Lhc resistance of the animal to Lransplantable cancer," Dr. Sperti said. FILM EXECUTIVE DIES IN LOS ANGELES AT 80 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 15. William J. Murphy, retired mo- tion picture equipment company s11pcrinle11dcnt who did much to nclva11cc the interest of Catholics m the producUon and distribution of Catholic films, has died here at the age of 80. C. D. of America Court of San Diego de Alcala No. 1099

St. Augustine Quoted

Smug Claims of Birth Controllers Disproved by Bishop of Galveston

: SEPTEMBErt 2'1, Sumla:v- • KGB !l 15-8::JO ,1.111. Nnmr Itndio T'n 1•1 a 111.


HOUSTON, Tex .. Sept. 8.--St. ing their children. who are born on their offspring. so reluctantly good come out of a pagan naza- PATTERN h , b k · , Augustine is quoted here by the against their will. Those whom begotten. unmasked the sin which ret ? Every ro en image ana Most Rev. Christopher E. Byrne. they begot with dislike, they have they had practiced in darkness, imperfect Goel gave th e literary tra d ition a sta- Bishop of Galveston, to show that a hatred of nourishing and re- and drags it clearly into the light caught by alien minds and pre- bility and unity, , 7 as shattered by contrary to the smug claims of taining. This infliction of cruelty of day. The open cruelty reproves served by pagan pens the Cath- th e so-called Reformation, Bro. birth controllers, con~raception is --------- ----- the hidden sin. sometime, in- olic Tradition welcomed and es- Leo. Asserted, adding th at "fai th t b t ·t · t d if t d It t fl d f degenerated into a tllino- to f1ghl no new U qm e anc1en ,, 'Colum,hus' Rallv eed. this lustful cruelty, or, eeme . S wa ers owe rom The Bishop cites St. Augustine - .J you please, cruel lust, resorts to the rock which is Christ; but a. about. a nd literature into a Ll1ing in a letter to the Houston Post. Planned In L.A. such abnormal methods as the the stream of Christian culture to fight, wi th -'' saying that "those of us, who use of poisonous drugs to secure swelled into a river broad and "Readers developed an attitude have ;frequently argued agair:c.A barrenness; or else if unsuccess- swift and strong there flowed in- of suspicion a nd antagonism" he the promoters of birth control, LOS ANGELES -Plans for a ful in this, to destroy the con- to it tributaries rnrging from des- said, "or else uncritical partisan- have been told that we are med- rally of Catholic laymen in the ceived seed by some means prev- perate and even hoitile sources. ship, n.nd I know not wihch is th e ieval and behind the times" and Philharmonic Auditorium on Col- ious to birth, prefering that its When the Western Empire fell. more fatal to literary appr cia- that "they, on the contrary, are umbus Day have been completed offspring should rather perish when paganism died. when under tion. And writers, oh, .so man, d b th S th C 1 .f · Chap of them, have lost the1·r b,~a1·!11 s· up-to-date and scientific.'' He e- Y e ou ern a I orma - than receive vitality. or, if it was the incur.~ions of the barbarians clares St. Augustine, who "knew ter of the Knights of Columbus advancing to life within the it seemed that finer achievements aes th etically speaking, th ey have the world in which he lived," tells representing 22 councils. womb, should be deprived of it of the ancient civilization would 10st th eir souls. Scholarship it that "there were birth control -------~------ eyen before birth. Well. if both vanish from the minds and way; :self has become an erudite ji • movements in his day," so that. parties alike, are so corrupt they of men, the Catholic spirit pre- saw puzzle. everybody trying to MOTOR MISSIONS WIN fit the pieces together but no-m the Bishop adds, contraception is are not husband and wife; and served the intellectual riches of "just a reversion to the old pagan CONVERTS, CURB ILL- if such were their character from the past." body aware of tlic design; some FEELING A T CHURCH even insisting that there can· habits of the fourth century and the beginning, they have not However, Brother Leo contin- possibly be a design " even the centuries before Chris- ST. LOUIS, Sept. 1.-As a re- come altogether so much by holy ued, the Catholic Tradition wa• tianity entered the world." sult of street preaching by sL"s: wedlock as by abominable de- not merely a work of conserva- ·"• •• •" •• • •• ••• •••• ••· •• •• ••· ·"•• This common pattern, which reflection of


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SL An11's J\.11u·tl Hal,aar.

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"It might be interesting to lis- units of the catholic Motor Mis- bauchery; ten to St. Augustine, who speaks sions in 29 towns in this Arch-

either the woman is.

tion and research.'' but was al o in it.self "a creative force." H cited the fertile output of schol- ars, poets and musicians through-

E. P. Kilcoyne Electrical Contractor :4168 Marlborough I -CiGtG: l . . . . ............................................

C'l'OBElt I:!, '1'11111 1Li~-

so to speak, the husband's bar-

Kn1ghl.s or: r ancl Cohnn- :

: Sall DtC'fO

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of the wrong desire, or the evil diocese much

ill-feeling against lot; or the man his wife's adult-

: Columhus 1)11111






the Church has been broken down erer.'





spring. 'They who resort to these, and a number of converts made.

"We leave the reader alone with out Europe. saying these "mani-

lll be rt, ehalrman.

although called by the name of Another result has b~en the re- St. Augustine, merely asking is man and wife, are not really ceipt of 175 appl:cation.., for the there anything new in birth- such; they retain no vestige of K::nrick Corr::~ponder..ce Com·s2s contrnl And. where across


........... .

supported by the Christian way of the life came into fertile being and




....., ..N

... • ...

true matrimony. but falsely take at Kenrick Seminary.

1 centuries did it pick up any color flourished with the diffusion of

on the honorable designation as a cloak for their criminal con- duct. Having also proceede

Each unit consists of a priest oI decency?"

the Faith.'' "They all prove," h~ [ declared. "were we so -y.n.u·aciou., f as to require proof. that the re- ligion of Chris~ was a stabiliz- ing and energizing reality." Brother Leo said that while J medieval literature "experimentea present- day literature. "it knew what it ficiently," unlike

O( TOl!Ut I?., 13, 11.- I M

and a seminarian and they are ---------------

Chm ch:

::;o under the direction of

the Rn.


ew Supper Room Dine - Dance - Romance:

far, they are betrayed into expos- Lester J. Fallon, C.M.. of Kenrick

Seminary. count of the martyrdom suffered Fathers Murphy and Mulaskey, by members of the Congregation C.M., preached in the Diocese of of the Holy Redeemer and the Marquette. Fath 0 1'S Coupal and damage done to their institutions Daspit, C.M.. worked out from in the Civil War in Spain is con- Holton, Kan. Father Darling, rained in an article which is to and several Franciscans appear in the current issue of did quarrel, preached in the streets of Atchi- our Lady of Perpetual Help Mag- son. Kan. azine, published by the Redemp- suf was about." C.M.,

FARGO VICAR GENERAL SINCE 1910 DIES VALLEY CITY, N.D.. Sept. 11. The Rt. Rev. John Baker, for 24 years Pastor of St. Catherine'f; Church here and Vicar General of the Diocese of Fargo for 29 years, died Wednesday at the age of 61. CHICAGO, Sept. 12.-A touch- ing reminder of the World War of 1914 was made public when War Veterans at the Edward Hines Hospital gave their pledges of prayer to be contributed to the spiritual bouquet that will be sent to His Holiness Pope Pius for the to win back for the Negro tht: types of work for which his tradi- tions and expe1ience especially fit him, and of which he has been deprived by a combination of competition and race prejudice; "Third: The Negro must be helped to break into every new field of work for which he can qualify.'' The Rev. Charles Owen Rice. of Pittsburgh, one of the direct- ors of the Catholic Radical Alli- VETERANS SEND POPE SPIRITUAL BOQUET

! O("l'OIU·.

12, 1:i. 11-


Our I ady ol lie 1trL: 1 ,11 I .h, Ea t , , 11 Die io, All·: 11ual IJa;,:nnr. , ', c•1cd

"Artists might and not always with ar-

: Complc-tl'l:v



Plun·•r. a11d C:ibms n,1t • Are Rea ·onable


tistic reserve, regarding method!:.

t ·"'c· .~ .. . .. : , c;>urte'sy o" ...

I· or rcS<'rvatl ns writ r : P. 0.-ldyllwild, Calif. l'ho e: 'an Jnl'into 0918 mmGOI \' J.8GA1 E • ......... ... .~]?~. · ......... I

At present a unit is working in torist Fathers here. the Diocese of Omaha. consisting of the Rev. Philip L°Fevre, C.M.,

"' ,...... (· · ,:

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and the Rev. Mr. Robert Hupp, and the Rev. Mr. Raymond Schu- ermann.

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sprin,g, Missions will be held _in 1st cut $1, thereafter 50c;perm- the local churches of Motor M1s-1 : anents, $1.95 up; shampoo, fin- sion terr;tm·y in the Archdiocese : ger wave. 50c: dried in 20 min. ~~-~.t:.~~~ 1 :: ....................... Dug's Beauty




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taken to cope wJth the situation. cause of peace.

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OUR LADY OF HOLED/\)), ('o:teht Ila, ll v. I', tD. • unday Mass-8:00 .111<1 9::IO. Muss on Frida. at Ind o Wom: 11'1 Cluh-7::10 . in, .............................. Rolfand'. · Indio ·~~· ..(~::~;;;~;;,:•.. ::;I~;·~~·~ ··~i·~;; . Krr1n.. p

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He set forth


three-fold ance, discussing "The Negro and

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Opp. Theatre

program to help solve this prob- the Labor Union", said that any lem of Negro unemployment, and discrimination against the Negro urged all supporters of justice to on the part of labor unions is a strive to put it into effect. most short-sighted policy, for the "First: the Negro in America presence of a large body of unor- must lose no more jobs because ganized workers, regarded by em- he is a Negro; ployers as "cheap labor", inevit- "Second: Efforts must be made ably tends to depress wages. -------------------- PREPARE NOW Give Your Child a Catholic Education! ············· ····················· . : San Luis Rey Academy • San Luis Rey •••••••........•.........•...•••.•• ACADEMY OF OUR LADY OF PEACE: 4860 OREGON STREET San Diego California : Accredited by the University or : California, Resident and Day Students Con~ucted by the Sisters of St. : Joseph of Carondelet : • Address the Registrar • ···································· ······························ : RESIDENT AND DAY PUPD..S : Rates for Boarders $30 Per Mo. Conducted by Sisters of the Precious Blood : For Inf. Ph. Oceanside 8701-R-2

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