Atos - Registration Document 2016

F Risks analysis [G4-14] F.4 Financial markets risks

Reputation risks


the credibility and image of the Group vis-a-vis its customers, implementation of significant or sensitive projects, could affect Media coverage of possible difficulties, especially related to the activities. and consequently, its ability to maintain or develop some

incidents. appropriate level of management are performed in case of major ensures that an appropriate response and escalation to the A crisis management policy, at Group and Divisions levels,

Financial markets risks F.4

include maturity and covenants leaving sufficient flexibility for financial instruments. Terms and conditions of these loans by long-term committed loans or other appropriate long-term Atos’ policy is to cover fully its expected liquidity requirements the Group to finance its operations and future developments. described in section E.3.3 Financing policy of this document, considers itself as being able to face future requirements. As The Group proceeds to a specific review of its liquidity risk and

management of this document and in Note 23 to the and credit risk are described in section E.4.7.3 Financial risk exchange risk, market value of financial instruments, price risk More details on liquidity risk, cash flow interest rate risk, foreign

consolidated financial statements (E.4.7.4). The risk on shares is limited to treasury shares.

Riskmanagement activities


risks. In addition to managing the risk embedded in each process, dedicated activities are also deployed for a transversal management of

Enterprise riskmanagement (ERM)


questionnaires, to collect their perception of the main risks, their managers of the Group TOP 200 through workshops and general management. The selected methodology involves the A risk mapping is performed each year under the sponsorship of (residual risk). relative importance (inherent risk) and mitigation effectiveness (stakeholders, natural disasters), the transformation & business This assessment covers potential risks related to environment positioning), operations (clients, people, IT, processes) and the development (technology change, organization, market information used for decision making (financial and operational). year to another. Improvement plans for the main residual risks This recurring process, allows identifying evolutions from one

milestones/timelines for follow-up and completion. are designed at GBU and Group level, with assigned owners and Committee of the Board of Directors. deployed to manage the main risks, and presented to the Audit Executive Committee, to ensure that appropriate measures are Results are shared with general management and Group In parallel, a Legal Risk Mapping (LRM) is also deployed to focus environmental challenges. This process involves legal experts as on Legal and Compliance aspects of risks – including program of the Group. well as key managers and is used as an input for the compliance

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