Atos - Registration Document 2016

F Risks analysis [G4-14]


Riskmanagement activities

Business risk assessment andmanagement


Atos has a robust business risk management approach reinforced during the last years, based on specific processes and organization.

Business riskmanagement system F.5.2.1 monitoring. The Group operates a risk management system that formal and standard approach to bid execution and contract Atos Rainbow is a set of procedures and tools that provides a with the control and approval process when entering into new throughout the life cycle of a project. This process is integrated treatment (by control and financing) of business risks facilitates the analysis (by identification and assessment) and projects that can be delivered effectively and to provide an early contracts. The objective is to ensure that the Group only bids for management process: diverges from its original targets. Specifically, the risk warning system for any project that encounters problems or financial risks that could have an impact during the life cycle identifies potential exposures, including technical, legal and • of the project;

significance and materiality of any such exposures; evaluates, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the • mitigation measures are initiated to reduce the likelihood and impact of negative outcomes on the project; and, ensures that appropriate and cost-effective risk control or risk • order to optimize the use of exposed capital. risk transfer instruments and internal contingency reserves in manages residual exposure through a combination of external • the Rainbow Delivery Dashboard, providing status on both All operational projects are monitored on a monthly basis using KPI’s. financial, delivery and technology, customer, legal and supplier

Bid Control and Business RiskManagement organization F.5.2.2

stage throughout the delivery cycle. capturing and ongoing tracking of risks identified at the bidding for Bid Control and Business Risk Management, ensuring the contracting activities report to the Group Senior Vice-President The control and approval process governing the bidding and

Bid Control and Business Risk Management report directly to the Group Chief Financial Officer, with the risk managers in the Management, shortening the lines of command. Senior Vice-President for Bid Control and Business Risk GBUs and the Global Divisions reporting directly to the Group


Group RiskManagement Committee F.5.2.3

Senior Executive Vice-President Operations, Executive Management. Permanent members of the Committee include the the Senior Vice-President for Bid Control and Business Risk ones. The Committee is chaired by the Group CFO and lead by Vice-Presidents in charge of the Global Divisions and several basis to review the most significant contracts and the sensitive A Group Risk Management Committee convenes on a monthly

conducts a thorough review of all the major contracts considered Finance, and Legal. On a quarterly basis, the Audit Committee other representatives from the Global Functions, including their initial business case. perform the continuous monitoring of contracts in deviation of to be high risk. The Global Divisions and the Risk Managers

Atos | Document de Référence 2016


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