

artistic skill, that one can directly perceive that not only have the best artists been employed on them, but also that the work lias been to them a labor o f love. In this noble temple o f art are preserved the magnificent works and treasures o f art which Thor­ valdsen presented to Denmark. It would occupy too much space to give a description o f the contents, and, where all is ex­ cellence, it is difficult to select; but it m ay interest the visitor to know what the Sculptor him self was most satisfied w ith , and which he considered his best productions — and these are : H is last (/roup o f the Graces ; the Shepherd B o y ; and the Mercurius. H ow ever, the A d o n is, in the possession of the K ing o f B a v a r ia , he considered his Chef-d’œuvre ; on beholding which Canova exclaim ed: "I w isli I were young a g a in !” Messrs. Bing and Son o f Kronprindsensgade have published a volume o f Engravings of the whole of Thorvaldsen’s works. The Building is open to the p u b lic, free o f charge, from 1st. Decern, to 30th. April, every W ednesday from 11— 2 o’clock. From 1st. May to 31st. August, every Tuesday from 11— 2 o’clock, and every Friday from 4 — 7 o’clock. From 1st. Septr. to 30th. Nov. every Tuesday and Friday

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