ENTSOG GRIP CEE 2014-2023 / Main Report

Infrastructure-related data lays foundation for the CEE GRIP development process. These data represent the gas infrastructure operated by all system operators (being TSOs, LSOs and SSOs) and third party project promoters in the region. They allow for a thorough examination of how the gas infrastructure will evolve in Central-Eastern Europe over the upcoming decade in order to meet the market needs and achieve the ob- jectives enshrined in the EU energy policy. The data collection process for this CEE GRIP was conducted with full involvement of all relevant stakeholders. The project promoters were offered a possibility to pro- vide project specific information either by updating data given for TYNDP 2013–2022 or by submitting a set of figures on new investment projects. To reach the widest group of project promoters, this process was organised via a call launched by ENTSOG on behalf of TSOs in the period between July and mid-September 2013. The graph and tables provided below summarise information on gas investments in the CEE region, as indicated by the project promoters, being the TSOs contributing directly to the CEE GRIP or third party project promoters from the region, in their pro- ject questionnaires. The questionnaire itself is based on the one prepared for TYNDP 2013–2022 with small improvements incorporated following stakeholder feedback. It allows presenting the characteristics of all types of gas projects (transmission, LNG, UGS) irrespective of their stage of development (FID and non-FID projects). More detailed data on individual projects can be found in the Annex B – Infrastruc- ture Projects. The information on investment projects in the region reflects the situation as of 13 September 2013 1) . Additionally, the Annex F provides the list of PCIs which are located in the CEE GRIP gas networks. Geographical scope of these projects mostly falls within the priority corridor NSI East Gas. The list of PCI projects was adopted by the European Com- mission on 14 October 2013. Because of this timing, the basic principle applied in the present CEE GRIP is to analyse planned investment projects on an equal basis, so irrespective of their possible priority status as foreseen in REG 347/2013.



Transmission Projects – FID Transmission Projects – non-FID LNG Projects – FID LNG Projects – non-FID UGS Projects – FID UGS Projects – non-FID Power to gas projects – non-FID









Total FID 25 Total non-FID 65

Figure 1: Number of investment projects in CEE GRIP 2014–2023 per type and implementation status

1) For any possible changes in data on planned investments since 13 September 2013, please refer to the project promoter’s websites.

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GRIP Central Eastern Europe 2014–2023

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