ENTSOG GRIP CEE 2014-2023 / Main Report

3.3 Sources of Data

All data serving as basis for the modelling of the infrastructure in the CEE region have their origin in the TSOs that are members of ENTSOG and in the promoters of third party projects. As it is necessary to model the entire European gas transit network for the analyses, all relevant data have been collected by ENTSOG in a ded- icated collection process. This procedure does not only ensure an up-to-date basis, a high degree of consistency of the data and of the analysis of the different GRIP re- gions, but also guarantees consistency between the GRIPs and the ENTSOG TYNDP.

3.4 Tool

The ENTSOG model is based on: \\ Entry and exit capacities of IPs between two countries/balancing zones, as calculated by the responsible TSOs. \\ Working gas volume, injection/withdrawal capacities of UGS. \\ Send-out capacities of LNG regasification facilities. \\ National production capacities. For the demand/supply analysis, the tool assesses to what extent the IP capacities allow for a balance of European supply and demand. For resilience testing, the tool reduces the complexity of the European gas network via representing countries/balancing zones/hub areas as nodes, whereas the capacities between two countries/balancing zones/hub areas are combined – applying the “lesser rule” – to arcs with lower and upper flow limit. LNG and UGS capacities are assigned to the respective nodes. Scenarios are then modelled by modifying the weighting of the different arcs. A more detailed description of the ENTSOG Network Modelling tool can be found in the ENTSOG TYNDP 2013 – 2022 1) . A list of all modelled cases can be found in Annex E.

3.5 Modelling

The analyses performed in the CEE GRIP are based on the results of gas flow simulations. The simulation tool provided and operated by ENTSOG analyses the capability of the European gas grid under a number of different scenarios, taking into consideration the development of the infrastructure over the upcoming decade. For this purpose, the investment status (FID/non-FID) of the relevant infrastructure projects is accounted for.

1) ENTSOG TYNDP 2013 – 2022 is available under the following link: http://www.entsog.eu/publications/yndp/2013#ENTSOG-TEN-YEAR-NETWORK-DEVELOPMENT-PLAN-2013-2022

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ENTSOG – GRIP Central Eastern Europe 2014–2023

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