U Magazine, Spring 1986

Upcoming Commencements May 24, 25

APRIL 28- May 1 .. Perspec ti ves:· a three-part lecture series ce lebrating women in music. poli tics and th e peace movement. Speakers include San Diego m ayoral candidate Mau reen o·connor. Sr. Nancy Fierro and Linda Smith . founder of 24 L aw School commencem ent. 10:30 a.m .. campus stadium. Baccalaureate Mass. 4 p.rn .. campus stad ium. Unclcrgracluatc graduat ion party. Parents. guests invited . 8 :30 p.m .. m ain patio. Founders/Camino Halls. Mothers Embracing Nuclear Disarmam ent (MEND). 8 p.rn. each 25 Graduate student commen cem ent. 10:30 a .rn .. campus evening. Manchester Con ference Ce nter. Free. 260-4589. stadium.

29 USD/SDSU NROTC unit annual spri ng awards ceremony. Guest of honor: Major General W.H. Rice. direc tor. J oint Special Operations Agen cy. Joint Chiefs or Sta ff. Washington . D.C. 3 p.rn .. campus stadium. Mcn·s baseball vs. Master 's College. 2:30 p.m .. baseball field . 3 0 Fou rth A nnual Corpora te Associates Rccognilion Luncheon . Gu es t speaker : Donald F. Cr aib. Jr.. ch airman and chi ef cxeculivc o ffi ce r. A llsta te Insuran ce Group. Noon. Manch es ter Conferen ce Ce nter. 260-4690. Worn cn·s softball vs. Occiclc ntal. 4 p.m .. softball field. Eighth Annual Sports Banquet. Benefits USO athletics. 6: 30 p. m .. Town and Country Convention Center. 260-4588.

Undergradua te comrn c nccm cnl. 2:30 p. rn .. campus stadium. JUNE Summer Session s. Three-. four- and six-week courses. 260- 4800. 5 Spi ritu ali ty and T h eology Summer L ec ture Series. "The Problem of Unity and Di ve rsity in the Early Church and Wha l It Means for Christians Today: · Fr. Raymond Brown. Fee. 7 p.m .. Manc hes ter Conference Ce nter. 260-4585. 13, 14, 15 Institu te for Christian Ministries workshop: "Th e Wisdom or Yoga for Christian Seekers... Sr. Ishpriya. Fee. 260- 4784. 17 Institute for Christian Ministries seminar on m editation. Sr. Ishpriya. Fee. 9 a.rn .. Ser ra Hall. room 204. 260-4784. 21 Classes of 1956-57 reunion. Wine and ch eese recept ion. 2 p.m .. Fren ch Parlor. Founders Hall. Write Dorolh~r Tex. 1886 Wcclgcm ere Rel.. El Cajon . Ca. 92020. OTHER PROGRAMS All in the Family: Impac t on Education A lec ture series that wi ll idcntiry the ch anges w hic h may occu r in the fam ily unit and th e impact th ese changes have on a child's beh avior. Five lec tures: May 5. 7. 14 . 21 and 28. 5:30-9 p. m .. Ma n ch ester Conrercn cc Center. Fee. 4 75 -6365. Programs in Executive Excellence Seminars for bu siness people. May and June. 'lopics range rrom managing m anagement lime lo th e ·r:,,pc E woman. $60. h air-cl ay sem inars. $ 125 . rull-cl ay sem inars. 260-4585. Computer Camp Computer camp for boys and girls. ages 9- 15. Combines computer instruction . sports activities and fi eld trips. July 6- 18 and July 20-Augu sl l. Fee. 260-4585. Sports Camps Sport s camps for boys and girls. ages 8- 18. Sessions in tennis. competitive swimming. boys· and girls· basketbal l. al l-sports. basics tennis. June. Ju ly. Augu st. Fee. 260-4803. University of the Third A ge A program of ph ysica l exercise and c lasses fo r person s 55 and older. July. 260-4585. Eucharist." Fr. Joseph Powers. Fee. 7 p.m .. Manch es ter Conferen ce Center. 260-458 5.


Through May 23

A ll m ed ia exhibition featuring works or USO 24 Spirituali ty and Theology Summer L ec ture Series. "Th e

gracluali ng art majors. Noon-5 p.m .. Founder s Gallery. Free.

260-4600. ex t. 4261.

1 "An Omnibus Comm c ntar~r on Contemporary Literature: Prophets Among Us... An i nrorrnal look al contemporary nove lists such as A lice Walker. Grace Paley and Louise Eclrich . Dr. Mar y Quinn. assistant prorcssor of English. 4 p.rn .. Man ch es ter Con ference Cen ter. $4. 260-4585. 2-4 Spring dance conce rt by USO students. 8 p.rn .. May 2 and 3: 2 p.m .. Ma_v 4 . Admissio n charge. 260-4600. ex t. 4 712 . 6 USO Aux iliary installa tion lunc h eon . Noon. Cr ystal Room. U.S. Grant HOLel. 260-4808. Joint recital by pianist Fr. Nicolas Reveles and tenor Will iam Eic horn . Works by Scarlalli. Marx and Fi nzi will b e pcrlo rrn ccl . 7:30 p.m .. Camino Thea ter. Adm ission c harge. 260-4600. ex t. 4427. 7 Womcn·s so ftball vs. USIU. 2 p.rn .. sortball field. 9 Mc n·s baseball vs. St. Mary·s Col lege. 2 :30 p.m .. baseball field . 10 Mc n·s baseball vs. St. Ma,fs College. Noon . baseball lk lcl. Grad ua tin g senior banqu et. sponsored by Student Alumni Associa tion. 5 p.m .-miclnight. Atlantis Res taurant. 260-48 19.


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