SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIETAL INFORMATION Sustainable development built on our cooperative identity


Dialog with Groupstakeholders

Stakeholder dialog is a cornerstone of Groupe BPCE’s CSR approach and was thus included as one of the objectives of its 2018-2020 strategic plan. Extensive preparatory work was carried out in 2016 to identify the major challenges facing society, the stakeholders and their expectations, to ensure they would be incorporated in the group’s CSR priorities and in the initiatives of its CSR approach. A broad documentarystudy at the national, Europeanand internationallevels highlighted the major societal challenges impacting the banking industry inFrance for the group’skey stakeholders. This analysiswas broadenedby organizinga daily dialog conductedin various ways throughouthe group: dialog with staff and employee representatives,as described in the ● social pillar of this document (Diapason survey, employee representative bodies,periodictopical surveys,etc.); individual and professionalcustomersof all BPCE retail entities are ● free to submit complaints; their satisfaction is also frequently measured, spontaneouslyat the branch level and consistentlyon a quarterly basis to monitor satisfaction in all segments and at all points of contact; special survey tools (both spontaneous and scheduled) are also developed on certain markets (business customers, private banking, etc.) (for more details, see Section6.3.3); dialog with cooperative shareholders is coordinated by the ● Fédération nationale des Banques Populaires and the Fédération nationale des Caisses d’Epargne;their satisfactionis also measured using aspecial survey; a sample of SME suppliers is surveyed each year on their ● expectations and satisfaction with Groupe BPCE; the annual suppliersconventionprovidesan opportunityto present the group’s

priorities and to hand out awards; a satisfaction survey is also conducted at this event; Groupe BPCE contributes to the work of the Financial Sector ● ConsultativeCommittee(CCSF), whose purposeis to examineissues that come up in relations between financial institutions and their customers, and to propose appropriate measures in this area through opinions or recommendations. The CCSF is a joint committeemade up of members representingfinancial institutions and consumers,as well as membersof Parliament,qualifiedexperts and representativesof financial sector companies and employees, and serves as aunique forumfor dialog; Groupe BPCE takes part in financial center relations and working ● groups, such as the FBF (French Banking Federation), the AFB (French Banking Association) and the ORSE (Corporate Social Responsibility Observatory); via the Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne Development ● divisions, Groupe BPCE coordinates a policy of dynamic partnerships with several associations, representative federations and trade unions representing the various regional economic players (local officials, CEOs, real estate professionals,stakeholders in the social and solidarity-basedeconomy, the medical-socialand healthcare sectors, social housing managers, self-employed professionals, craftsmen, small retailers, franchise-holders, entrepreneurs, farmers, etc.). 107 partnerships had been contractualized by both brands at end-2017. These partnerships range from commercial to institutional to communicational. Regular contact is maintained in a close relationship with each partnerstructure; finally, BPCE holds a regular dialog with ESG rating agencies and ● investors during the rating process.



Registration document 2017

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