6 SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIETAL INFORMATION A range of services to meet the challenges facing our customers

A range of services to meet the challenges 6.2 facing our customers

Groupe BPCE is working to adopt a global approach in conjunction with its businesslines, aimed at turning them into differentiationand performance drivers. The group is best at meeting its CSR priorities when conducting its banking and insurance activities. In accordance with its strategy,it has set goalsto: increase the distribution of its solidarity-based savings and ● investment offer to its customers; meet the financing needs of customers with projects generating ● significant environmental or social added value;

manage the risks and opportunities associated with the energy, ● climate and ecological transitions. As a result of the work undertaken in 2017, the group set an ambitious and structure-buildingtarget for each of these goals: over the 2018-2020period, increasingresponsibledeposits and savings by 50%, topping € 10 billion in outstandingloans for green growth, and issuing twogreen and social bonds for proprietary purposes.


Steering depositsand savings towards amore responsible


In 2017, GroupeBPCE completeda projectwith the aim of developing the distribution of responsible savings products to its customers. Under the 2018-2020CSR strategy,the range of responsibleproducts will be overhauled, extended and highlighted so that customers are more easily able to identify the right solutions for their projects, risk appetite and sensitivity to societal impacts. Training and communication initiatives will be carried out to complete this strategy. Groupe BPCE already offers a broad range of products designed to steer depositsand savingstowards amore responsibleeconomy. BANK DEPOSITS AND SAVINGS PUT TO REGIONAL USE As cooperative regional banks, the Banque Populaire banks and Caisses d’Epargne apply the deposits and savings collected in the regions to finance local projects.In this way, decisionsare tailored to meet regional needs as closely as possible, based on extensive knowledge of the regions themselves, their potential and their vulnerabilities.Customer deposits to passbook savings accounts and regular deposits are used for regional development,funnelingmoney right back into the community. Aware of the growing importance

customers place on transparency and traceability, Groupe BPCE is workingto better identifythe impacts of these deposits and savings.


Groupe BPCE is a leading player in solidarity-basedsavings in France: it is the No. 1 manager and collector of solidarity-based savings according to the last Finansol survey, which identifies investments guaranteeing that the funds are used to finance projects of major social, solidarity or environmental benefit. At December 31, 2016, Groupe BPCE managed 39% of total solidarity-based savings ( i.e. € 3.81 billion out of € 9.76 billion).Throughits differentbusinesslines, it draws on complementary areas of expertise that qualify it to operate along each link of the solidarity chain: collectionof deposits and savings (Banque Populaire banks, Caisses d’Epargne, Crédit Coopératif, Natixis Interépargne), asset management (Mirova, Ecofi Investissements), funding of social support networks such as Adie (Banque Populairebanks), and supportingbeneficiariesin the field, in partnership with local non-profits and government authorities (Parcours Confiance, Créa-Sol).

Solidarity-based finance takes center stage atthe 10

th annual National

Solidarity-Based Finance Week On November 6, 2017, BPCE invited all group operators,plus a host of partners,think tanks, project sponsorsand academics,to brainstorm solutions aimed at expanding the influence of solidarity-basedinvestments.Ideas included improving sales by the networks, particularly targetingprivate banking clients, but also institutionalinvestorsand life insurancepolicy-holders.The researchin progresson how to build up the value of activities with a major social or environmental impact will also strengthen the appeal of solidarity-basedprojects for investors.


Registration document 2017

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