IIW History 1948-1958

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Mr. LEROY (France) presided at the first meetings of the Commission at the 1949 Assembly in Delft. At the Paris Assembly in 1950, Mlle L . BLOSSET (France) was appointed Chairman since Mr. LEROY 'ms already Chairinan of another Commission of the IIW. Until 1956, the Drafting Committee consisted of the French delegate (Mr. BRl zARD) and the United Kingdom delegate (l\fr. HOOPER or deputy). In 1957, Mr. PRECHEUR, French e:s:pert, replaced Mr. BRIZARD on this Committee. The Commission is at present composed of delegat es and experts from t wenty– three countries. Since it s establishment, the Commission has set up : l ) in 1953, a working group responsible for following the work of the Joint Committee set up at that time by the IIW and the International Federation of Documentation (IFD). This Joint Committee held its first meeting in London in April 1954 and work is still in progress. In 1957, the corresponding working group of the II\V was transformed into Sub-Commission B « t o study the concordance between the universal decimal classification syst em and .the classi– fication system of the IIW ». ub-Commission B, composed of representatives from France, Germany and the Netherlands, is under the Chairmanship of Mr. BEUGELIKK, Netherlands delegate. It is this Sub-Commission which, in so far as the IIW is concerned, is responsible for the work of the IIvV/IFD Joint Committee. z) in 1956, a \•vorking group A for the revision of the Classification Table of the Bulletin ; this group was composed of the de1ega..ctes of France, Germany, the Nether– lands, Spain and the United Kingdom and presided over by the Chairrrran of the Commission. Having completed its t ask, the Commission disbanded this group at the Essen Assembly in 1957· A) Since 1949, the main t ask of the Commission, the preparation of the Bibliograplu:cal B ulletin for Weld1:ng, has been carried out thanks to the continued collaboration of the French publisher and t o the regula r contributions of the members of the Commis ion. In principle, all Commission members should cooperate by preparing abstracts of their national publications on welding and allied processes. Up t o the present, however, the French Institute of Welding has undertaken the preparation of the abstracts of publications from member countries unable to participate regularly, as well as of those from non-member countries . In addition t o editing the abstracts in whichever of the two languages he receives them, t he publisher is also responsible for their translation into either English or French. He also indexes and classifies them and t akes charge of the printing of the Bulletin. Apart from its permanent t ask of preparing the Bulletin, the Commission has been endeavouring t o improve the intrinsic value a nd the presentation of this publication since its first appearance. The principal effort s of the Commis– sion in this connexion have been as follows : l) the classification of reviews from all over the world, a distinction being made between reviews specialising in welding and allied processes and more general revie\YS containing, regularly or occasionally , a rticles of interest t o the IIW ; 3. WORK ACCOMPLISHED.

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