IIW History 1948-1958

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ation on cards and presentation as a booklet; as the majority of readers were in favour of the latter alternative, this form was maintained with various improve– ments, in particular concerning the printing and appea rance of the cover, ref– erences, cross-references, etc.; 6) a special inquiry regarding the abstracting of patents; after the opinion of subscribers and readers had been sought on the advisability of publishing abstracts of patents of different countries in separate supplements, it was decided to discontinue, for financial reasons, the preparation of abstracts of patents and consequently to suppress the corresponding heading in the Bulletin; 7) work, begun in 1952 and still in progress, with a view to establishing a concordance between the classification indices of the Bulletin and the universal decimal classification system (UDC). In this connexion, the liaison between the Commission, through its Sub-Commission B, and the IFD has been mentioned above. Apart from the establishment of a concordance between the two systems, the aim of the collaboration between these two organisations is to revise and improve, through the Joint IIW/IFD Committee, the headings of the UDC in so far as the spheres of activity of the IIW are concerned; 8) the preparation, before each assembly, of an annual report on the Biblio– graphical Bulletin which is submitted to the Commission for approval. This report contains all statistical information, criticisms, et c. concerning the prepa– ra tion, publication and circulation of the Bulletin. B) The Commission has also tried to assist in connexion with the f'inances oi the B i bliographical Bitlletin. By its very nature, the Bulletin is run at a deficit : the editing of its text is costly, the t ype-setting, with titles in numerous languages and varied t ype faces, is difficult and consequently expensive. In ad dition, the number of potential subscribers is relatively limited. Each member of the Commission must therefore endeavour in his own country t o develop the circulation of the Bulletin by obtaining new subscriptions and also t o bring about an increase in the number of advertising bookings. As the result of a resolution submitted by Commission IV t o the Governing Council and approved by the latter in July 1951 at Oxford, reproductions or translations of abstracts published in the Bibliographical Bulletin are subject t o reproduction rights payable to the publisher of the Bulletin, members of the IIW who participate in the preparation of the Bulletin benefiting from a special rate. In addition, the agreement of the IIW must first be obt ained and mention made of the corresponding reference in the Bibliographical Bulletin. C) Annual exh-ib1:tions oj publications concern-ing welding and the allied processes have been organised on the occasion of the assemblies of the IIW since 1953 as a result of a resolution of the Commission approved by the Governing Council of the IIW at Goteborg in September 1952. These exhibitions, to which all member countries contribute, include book!", booklets, periodicals, standards and other documents of an essentially t echnical character, dealing in whole or in pa rt with matters concerning welding and the allied processes. In order to ensure that the exhibitions should be as complet e as possible, arrangements were made for the publications contributed by member countries to become the property of the II\V and fqr all exhibits to be forwarded from one assembly to the next, thus forming the basis of exhibitions organised at subse– quent assemblies. It is therefore only necessary for exhibiting countries t o send complementary material each year with an indicati on of the publications to be removed or replaced. The value of these exhibitions has been proved by their success. Up to the present, three catalogiies have been prepared, the first deali~ng with all the material exhibited at Copenhagen (1953) and Florence (1954), the

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