IIW History 1948-1958




One of the essential objects of the II\V being to promote the international exchange of welding literature, the Institute, from its foundation, attached great importance to the preparation of a multilingual collection of terms used in weld– ing and allied processes. The lack of understanding of technical terms in different languages consider– ably hampers technical progress because, to a large extent, it prevents the spread of scientific and technical knowledge which remains inaccessible to many engin– eers. In addition, if a term is not precisely understood, information is inaccur– ately interpreted. A ,,_,ide-spread circulation of technical information therefore necessitates the preparation of a multilingual collection of terms which enables its readers, by a comparison of the different languages, to grasp the exact sense of each term. But the difficulty of preparing such a collection for a process which is still young and quickly evolvi ng will be evident t o everyone. On its foundation, the II\i\T set up a Terminology Commission. At the be– ginning, this Commission, which is under the Chairmanship of lVIr F.lVI.L. V.-1.:N HORENBEECK (Belgium) included delegates from twelve countries. The num– ber of countries represented on it has progressively increased and numbered twenty in r957. The Vice-Chairman of the Commission has, from the start, been Prof. HERPOL (Belgium) and the Secretary Dr JVL-1.TTHEY (Switzerland), \\·ho, with J\fr H .-1.RDI)[G (United Kingdom), make up the Drafting Committee.

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