IIW History 1948-1958

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The Terminology Commission, which is responsibl e for preparing and mak– ing r eady for publication the 1mtltil-ingital collection of terms for welding and allied processes, has, throughout its ten years of existence, benefited from able and dedicat ed assist ance from many welding specialist s. This t eam has through– out had a task of exceptional difficulty , the nature of which an outsider can hardly appreciat e. :Members of the Commission have in fact to be well info rmed about all \velding processes and about the allied processes. Excellent coordination be– h veen the work of the various t echnical Commissions of the IIViT has assist ed the Commission greatly, while, in t heir respective countries, the members also con– sult the appropri ate national organisations or, in t heir absence, specialist s in the relevant subj ect s - consultations which t ake place in cooperation with the national delegat e on the t echnical Commission concerned of the IIW. Conse– quently , fo r each language, the work h as been ca rried out by a t eam of special– ist s in the subj ect s treat ed . The Commission p repares a list of the concepts t o be included in each main division. At meetings, it est ablishes, with the help of discussions a nd d rawings, an exact correspondence bet ween the t erms for these concept s in three basic lan– guages, E nglish , F rench and Germa n. The t rilingual cards thus p rep ared a re then sent t o t he members so t hat the collection may be compl et ed by the terms in the other languages represented on the Commi sion. The t erms included are all in current use . If, within a single linguistic group , one country uses t erms peculiar to it, they a re mentioned , preceded by the appropri at e symbol. ·wheneve r, in one language, there are several sy nonymous t erms for a single concept , the standardized t erm , if any , is placed first , foll owed by the others in the order of the frequency of their use. T erms defined by ISO, either in a re– commendation or in a draft recommendation, a re marked with a cross. To make available as soon as possible the multilingual collection of welding t erms t o those in need of it , t he Cornmission decided t o publish it in sections as and when each chapt er was finished and not t o include definitions, the prepara– tion of \\'hi ch requires a great deal of time (r ). In many cases, hO\vever, their absence is made good by di agrams. The Commission st arted by preparing the cc Gas \iVelding » section, which includes about 340 concepts. For each concept, the t erm or t erms in use are give n in the t en following languages : Danish , Dutch , English , Finnish , French, Ge rman, Italian , Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish. The concepts are classified in their logical order, all the t erms for each concept being grouped. Each con– cept has a number in the series from rooo to 1999 which is applicable what ever the language. This methodi cal classification facilitat es the finding of a t erm and , fo r this reason, the Ii t is sub-divided into chapt ers. In addition, the sec– ti on includes, fo r each of the t en languages, an alphabetical list in which each t erm is foll owed by its number in the classification of concepts. 3. WORK COMPLETED AND IN HAND.

The second section is devot ed to general terms concerning all welding p ro– cesses and dealing in parti cul ar with the arrangement, form and execution of welds

(1) Sec also in this connexion , ch apter II, section 3.

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