IIW History 1948-1958

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In view of the quantity and importance of the questions tackled over the last ten years, it is likely that Commission IX will be very active in the future . The present Sub-Commissions have not completed their work; Sub-Com– mission A is to continue the comparison of brittle fracture tests on steel, Sub– Commission B is to study the weldability of high yield-point steels and Sub– Commission C is t o revie,v, in the light of the comments which it has received, the Commission's rernmmendations on weldable steels. New investigations on st ainless steels and refractory alloys are envisaged while the corrosion t ests on light alloys will be continued. The special problem of the weldability of thin st eel sheet s has been raised and a rapporteur has been appointed to clarify which fundamental question arise in this connexion. Finally, bearing in mind the present development of welding and the e'er increasing variety of materials, ferro us and otherwise, which are welded, it seems certain that Commission I X, with the experience in international collaboration which it has acquired over several years of often difficult work and sometimes heated discussions, '"'ill frequently have t o deal with problems which its members will be able to t ackle with the enthusiasm which they have shown for their work up to now and which has progressively communicated itself t o the new delegates a nd experts joining the Commiss ion.

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