IIW History 1948-1958

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Rontgenkontrollen, Norway; Tekniska Ri:intgencentralen, Sweden.

The reference radiographs are mounted on cards which give all essential information regarding the conditions in which the radiograph was taken, the nature of the assembly examined and the defects shown. The cards are perfor– ated so that it is simple to use the Collect-ion, all radiographs required as a basis of judgement for a given defect, such as, for example, lack of penetration, being Pasily withdrawn . The Collect·ion is available in two different forms : r) with the radiograph stuck onto the card. The cards, which are bound, are cheaper and less fragile than the films and are perfectly suitable for instruc– tional purposes. 2) as transparent films which are inserted in a rectangle cut from the card. In this form , the radiographs can be used to best advantage, a viewer being required. In 1952, when the Collecti:on was first published, it consisted of fifty radio– graphs. Since then, it has been progressively enlarged and now contains seventy– eight radiographs. The Collect-ion is distributed in the majority of member countries through the intermediary of the member societies of the IIW (r) . d) Various publications and future programme. In addition to the publications .mentioned above, Commission V (Testing, Measurement and Control of Vlelds) has prepared a manual on radiography which may be published under the auspices of the IIW in various member coun– tries by the member societies. It is therefore likely that this work will be pu– blished in various languages and that it will be of value to all those who have to use radiograpbi~ inspection for the examination of welded constructions. In addition, the same Commission is preparing an atlas of destructive tests on welded assemblies which will also be published under the auspices of the IIW. Commission VIII (Hygiene and Safety) is preparing a manual of recom– mendations dealing with hygiene and safety in the use of welding and allied vrocesses; this work will be published under the auspices of the IIW. It is likely that, in the .future, other Commissions will also collect certain Tesults of their work in publications which ·will be issued by the IIW. B . DOCUMENTS RECOMMENDED FOR PUBLICATION BY THE MEMBER SOCIETIES. The IIW makes it possible for its member societies to publish a certain number of documents containing reports on its work and dealing with subjects discussed by the Commissions; in general, these documents emanate either from the Commissions themselves of from certain delegates or experts associated with their work. a) Press releases. After each annu al assembly, a press release prepared by the Secretariats of the IIW is sent to all member societies. This press release contains the most important information about the work accomplished and the decisions , both administrative and technical, which were taken. A press release of the same Finally, the Institute is at present considering the possibility of publishing a periodical review which would constitute its own organ of publication.

(1) It may also be obtained from: Tekniska Rontgencentralen, AB , Stockholm 51 , Sweden .

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