IIW History 1948-1958

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A. Chairman of the Commission : Dr. C. G. KEEL (Switzerland), since 1949. B. Vice-Chairman of the Commission : H. RENAUDIE (France), since 1954. C. Sub-Commission A « Brazing and Surfacing ». Established 1954. Chairman : Dr. G. M. A. BLANC (Switzerland). Terms of reference : brazing and surfacing processes, filler metals a nd equipment. D. Sub-Commission B « Oxygen Cutting » . Established 1954. Chairman : E. SEYMOUR-SEMPER (United Kingdom) . Terms of reference : cutting and oxygen cutting processes, equipment. E . Sub-Commission C « Metallisation by Metal Spraying ». Established 1957. . Chairman : K. TONNES PEDERSEN (Denmark). Terms of reference : met al spraying processes, equipment, filler metals. F. Working Group « Compatibility tests ». Established 1957. Chairman : :rvr. EVRARD (France). Terms of reference : t o carry out a second series of welding test in accordance with Fillei' metals ior gas welding - T ests ior the suitabilitv oi a steel iiller rod for the base (parent) metal (l). G. Working Group « Oxy-acetylene welding methods » . Established 1957. Chairman : :rvI. EvRARD (France) . Terms of reference : study of the different os:y-acetylene welding methods used. The formation of Sub-Commissions on « vVelding Equipment )) a nd « Productivity )) is under consideration. A distinction must be made between the work accomplished by the Com– mission as a whole and that carried out by its various Sub-Commissions and vVorking Groups. The work accomplished or in hand may be summa rized as follows : A. The Commission as a whole. The Commission has met at the annual assemblies as well as once in Paris (1952), Brussels (1953), and H orsens, Denmark (1954) . · At the request of the Commission, the respective rapporteurs have prepared the following documents, which were discussed : 3. WORK ACCOMPLISHED.

(1 ) Document I-53-57.

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