Babesta Beat SS 2015


o euf ’ s new ConvertiBle crib, dubbed the Fawn, does double duty in the most stylish of ways. First, construct it like a bassinet—using just the space you need! (How’s that for city-smart?) Then, when baby is ready, convert the wheeled bassinet to a stationary full-size crib. Made of Baltic birch with Oeuf’s signature modern design and high quality, the Fawn wins the award for multi-functionality! And it does not stop there: When your toddler outgrows the crib (grows from a fawn to a deer, if you will), convert it to a toddler bed with an extra rail sold separately. $1100.

Oeuf Fawn crib and bassinet system, 21414, $1100


babesta beat spring/summer 2014

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