USD Football 1995

Head Coach Brian Fogarty


Enteringhis 13thyearatthe helmoftheUSDfootballprogram, headcoach Brian Fogarty is embarking on his third season at the NCAA Division l-AA level. The 1994 season saw the Toreros finish 6-4 overall and 2-3 in the Pioneer FootballLeague(PFL). CoachFogartyentersthe 1995campaignwitha career markof66-48-3 andeightstraightwinning seasons. Prior to USD's jump to the NCAA Division I-AA ranks, the Toreros programwasoneofthetopDivisionIII programs in thewest. In 1992,Fogarty's 7-2-1 finishmarked theprogram's fourth consecutivesevenwinseason(28-9- 1duringthatspan) anditssixthconsecutivewinningcampaign. Coach Fogarty's steamshave alsofaredwell in the classroom. In eachofthe last two seasons, six Toreros have been named to the All-Pioneer Football League Academic Team. Last year junior Doug Popovich was narned First Team GTE Acadernic All-America,an outstanding feat since it included student-athletes frombothNCAADivisionl-Aandl-AAschools. Since1986fiveToreroshave earnednational GTEAcademicAll-Americahonors, and the 1992seasonsaw

five players get named to theDistrictVIIIAcademicAll-Americateam. TheNationalFootball Foundationand CollegeHallofFamehasrecognizedascholar-athletefromUSDeachyearsince 1983. Also,since 1983,theUSD football programhas graduatedover95 percentofits players. As evidenceofthehighregardinwhichheis heldbyhis colleaguesand football peopleingeneral,Brianhas served on the Board ofDirectors to the National Football Foundation and CollegeHall ofFame (San Diego Chapter) the pastnine years; servedon theAll-AmericaSelectionCommitteeforDistrictIX(1987-89);and the WesternRegionalAdvisoryCommitteefor Division IIIRankings (1990-92). CoachFogarty,whoserves asthe team'soffensive coordinatorandoffensivelinecoach,enters 1995 insearch ofhis ninthstraightwinningseason. The immediate future ofUSD football lookspromisingwithjustoverone hundredstudent-athletesexpectedforthe '95campaign. Outofthatgroup, fifty lettermenreturn,includingthirteen starters. BeforecomingtoUSD, BriancoachedatSt. FrancisHighSchoolinLaCanada,Californiawherehewashead coachfor four years andanassistant coach fornine years prior. As head coachhisrecord was 28-18-2 and his teamsmadetheplayoffsallfouryears.

Brian and his wife Vicki have four children: Bridget, Joe, Colleen and Megan. Bridget is entering her second year at the UniversityofSanDiego.

Pct. .500 .150 .500 .400 .650 .556 .778 .778 .700 .750 .600 .600 .575

Year 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Win Loss Tie


5 8 5 6 3 4 2




5 4 6 5 7 7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

2 3 2 4 4

7 7 6 6

0 3


Totals 66

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