Canadian Maternity, Newborn & Women's Health Nursing: Comprehensive
Care Across the Lifespan
Maternity and Women's Health Care
/ 978-0-323-07429-2 $0.00 / 3/1/11 / / 1,024pp. /
Foundations of Maternal-Newborn and Women's Health Nursing
/ 978-1-4557-3306-4 $0.00 / 10/1/13 / / 880pp. /
Table of Contents:
Unit 1 Foundations of Maternal, Newborn, and Women’s Health CareChapter 1 Philosophy and Framework for Women’s
Reproductive and Sexual HealthChapter 2 Health PromotionChapter 3 Nutrition for Adolescent and Adult Women* <fn1>Chapter
4 Medical Alterations in Women During Adolescence and AdulthoodChapter 5 Mental Health Concerns for Women in
Adolescence and AdulthoodChapter 6 Sexuality and ReproductionChapter 7 Family Formation Unit 2 Special Reproductive and
Health ConcernsChapter 8 Fertility Control and ContraceptionChapter 9 Voluntary Pregnancy TerminationChapter 10 Fertility
ChallengesChapter 11 Genetics, Embryology, and Preconceptual/Prenatal Assessment and Screening Unit 3 PregnancyChapter 12
Process of PregnancyChapter 13 High-Risk PregnancyChapter 14 Educational Preparation for Pregnancy, Childbirth, and
Parenthood Unit 4 Labour and ChildbirthChapter 16 High-Risk Labour and ChildbirthChapter 17 Pharmacologic Pain
Management of Labour Unit 5 Postpartum Period and Newborn CareChapter 18 Fourth Stage of Labour and Postpartum
PeriodChapter 19 The High-Risk Postpartum WomanChapter 20 The Healthy NewbornChapter 21 Newborn NutritionChapter 22
The High-Risk Newborn Unit 6 Menopause and BeyondChapter 23 The Menopausal ExperienceChapter 24 The Older
Postmenopausal Woman
Author Bio:
Karampelas, Dean
Aquisition Editor:
Barbera, Patrick C
Product Manager:
Hauber, Matt
Canadian Maternity, Newborn & Women's Health Nursing: Comprehensive Care Across the Lifespan
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