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Community and Public Health Nursing: Evidence for Practice

Help your students develop the critical thinking skills and complex reasoning abilities they need to make connections between data

and community and public health practice decisions with

Community and Public Health Nursing, 2nd Edition.


manageable, and logically organized, the Second Edition focuses on the individual in the context of the community setting and on

the global community, reflecting increasingly global healthcare concerns. Continuing to offer a great emphasis on evidence-based

practice than any other book for the course, the Second Edition features an exceptional array of in-book and online case-based

activities, an increased focus on non-communicable diseases as a global trend, enhanced content on program evaluation, new

examples, and a wide range of online teaching and learning resources that save you time and help your students succeed.



·Cases related to hypothetical

Adam’s County

develop students’ critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills through

mini-case studies accompanied by pertinent questions and links to additional websites. Most of the case studies are designed to be

used with data provided about hypothetical Adams County; other case studies require use of real data to solve the community

health situations presented.

Adam’s County

can be used for in-class assignments, group work, or homework assignments. For the

Second Edition, a new, more compelling design, a new functionality that allows students to e-mail answers to instructors for

grading purposes, and new guidelines for suggested answers have been added.

·The Wheel of Public Health Interventions

is provided for at-a-glance reference.

·Journal articles

(one per chapter, updated for this edition), offer access to current research available in LWW journals.

·Web resources

for every chapter provide opportunities for further exploration of topics of interest.

·Lecture podcasts

(one per chapter) allow students to listen to lectures—great for audio learners!

For instructors:

·Interactive Case Studies,

for each Part in the text, allow students to apply content to real life situations, developing their

critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills.

·Cases related to hypothetical

Adam’s County

develop students’ critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills through mini

case studies accompanied by pertinent questions and links to additional websites. Most of the case studies are designed to be used

with data provided about hypothetical Adams County; other case studies require use of real data to solve the community health

situations presented.

Adam’s County

can be used for in-class assignments, group work, or homework assignments. For the Second

Edition, a new, more compelling design, a new functionality that allows students to email answers to instructors for grading

purposes, and new guidelines for suggested answers have been added.

·Answers to Case Studies

from the textbook are provided for your convenience.

·Case Studies,

two per chapter, include application-level Q & As and questions for classroom discussion.

·Guided Lecture Notes

walk you through the chapters, objective by objective, and provide corresponding PowerPoint numbers.

·PowerPoint slides with iclicker questions

help you bring interactivity and engagement into the classroom.

·Discussion Topics

related to chapter content can be used to start classroom debate and can be posted on online discussion


·Pre-Lecture Quizzes

(and answers) are quick, knowledge-based, recall assessments that allow you to check students’ pre-class


·Problem-based Learning Classroom Activities

help build students’ critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills.


(and suggested answers) include group, written, clinical, and Web assignments.

·Guidelines for Answering Critical Thinking Questions

in chapter back matter are provided for your convenience.

·Test bankwith Wimba Test Generator

with five new questions per chapter helps you put together tests that assess your

students’ understanding of the material.

·QSEN map

relates book content to QSEN practices.

·A Spanish-English Audio Glossary

provides terms and phrases for communicating with patients in Spanish.

·Strategies for Effective Teaching

save you time by providing sample lesson plans.

Discovery Questions:


Community/Public Health Nursing Practice


/ 978-1-4557-0762-1 $0.00 / 10/1/12 / / 888pp. /

Community/Public Health Nursing Practice


/ 978-0-323-18819-7 $0.00 / 10/1/14 / / 720pp. /

Community and Public Health Nursing: Evidence for Practice


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