Skill Checklists for Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills: A Nursing Process
Ambulation Using a Cane Skill 9-11 Applying and Removing Graduated Compression Stockings Skill 9-12 Applying Pneumatic
Compression Devices Skill 9-13 Applying a Continuous Passive Motion Device Skill 9-14 Applying a Sling Skill 9-15 Applying a
Figure-Eight Bandage Skill 9-16 Assisting With Cast Application Skill 9-17 Caring for a Cast Skill 9-18 Applying Skin Traction
and Caring for a Patient in Skin Traction Skill 9-19 Caring for a Patient in Skeletal Traction Skill 9-20 Caring for a Patient With an
External Fixation Device
Chapter 10 Comfort and Pain Management
Skill 10-1 Promoting Patient Comfort Skill 10-2 Giving a
Back Massage Skill 10-3 Applying and Caring for a Patient Using a TENS Unit Skill 10-4 Caring for a Patient Receiving
Patient-Controlled Analgesia Skill 10-5 Caring for a Patient Receiving Epidural Analgesia Skill 10-6 Caring for a Patient
Receiving Continuous Wound Perfusion Pain Management
Chapter 11 Nutrition
Skill 11-1 Assisting a Patient with Eating Skill
11-2 Inserting a Nasogastric (NG) Tube Skill 11-3 Administering a Tube Feeding Skill 11-4 Removing a Nasogastric Tube Skill
11-5 Caring for a Gastrostomy Tube
Chapter 12 Urinary Elimination
Skill 12-1 Assisting With the Use of a Bedpan Skill 12-2
Assisting With the Use of a Urinal Skill 12-3 Assisting With the Use of a Bedside Commode Skill 12-4 Assessing Bladder Volume
Using an Ultrasound Bladder Scanner Skill 12-5 Applying an External Condom Catheter Skill 12-6 Catheterizing the Female
Urinary Bladder Skill 12-7 Catheterizing the Male Urinary Bladder Skill 12-8 Removing an Indwelling Catheter Skill 12-9
Performing Interm
Author Bio:
Karampelas, Dean
Aquisition Editor:
Dickinson, Sherry
Product Manager:
Christine Abshire
Skill Checklists for Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills: A Nursing Process Approach
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