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Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered States



/ 978-1-4557-2650-9 $0.00 / 12/1/12 / / 1,216pp. /

Table of Contents:

Introduction to Pathophysiology Unit 1: Cell and Tissue FunctionChapter 1: Cell Structure and FunctionChapter 2: Cellular

Responses to Stress, Injury, and AgingChapter 3: Inflammation, the Inflammatory Response, and FeverChapter 4: Cell

Proliferation and Tissue Regeneration and RepairChapter 5: Genetic Control of Cell Function and InheritanceChapter 6: Genetic

and Congenital DisordersChapter 7: Neoplasia Unit 2: Integrative Body FunctionsChapter 8: Disorders of Fluid, Electrolyte, and

Acid-Base BalanceChapter 9: Stress and AdaptationChapter 10: Disorders of Nutritional Status Unit 3: Hematopoietic

FunctionChapter 11: Disorders of White Blood Cells and Lymphoid TissueChapter 12: Disorders of HemostasisChapter 13:

Disorders of Red Blood Cells Unit 4: Infection and ImmunityChapter 14: Mechanisms of Infectious DiseaseChapter 15: Innate and

Adaptive ImmunityChapter 16: Disorders of the Immune Response Unit 5: Circulatory FunctionChapter 17: Control of

Cardiovascular FunctionChapter 18: Disorders of Blood Flow and Blood PressureChapter 19: Disorders of Cardiac

FunctionChapter 20: Heart Failure and Circulatory Shock Unit 6: Respiratory FunctionChapter 21: Control of Respiratory

FunctionChapter 22: Respiratory Tract Infections, Neoplasms, and Childhood DisordersChapter 23: Disorders of Ventilation and

Gas Exchange Unit 7: Kidney and Urinary Tract FunctionChapter 24: Structure and Function of the KidneyChapter 25: Disorders

of Renal FunctionChapter 26: Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney DiseaseChapter 27: Disorders of the Bladder and Lower

Urinary Tract Unit 8: Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary FunctionChapter 28: Structure and Function of the Gastrointestinal

SystemChapter 29: Disorders of Gastrointestinal FunctionChapter 30: Disorders of Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreas

Function Unit 9: Endocrine SystemChapter 31: Mechanisms of Endocrine ControlChapter 32: Disorders of Endocrine Control of

Growth and MetabolismChapter 33: Diabetes Mellitus and the Metabolic Syndrome Unit 10: Nervous SystemChapter 34:

Organization and Control of Neural FunctionChapter 35: Somatosensory Function, Pain, and HeadacheChapter 36: Disorders of

Neuromuscular FunctionChapter 37: Disorders of Brain FunctionChapter 38: Disorders of Special Sensory Function: Vision,

Hearing, and Vestibular Function Unit 11: Genitourinary and Reproductive FunctionChapter 39: Disorders of the Male

Genitourinary SystemChapter 40: Disorders of the Female Genitourinary SystemChapter 41: Sexually Transmitted Infections Unit

12: Musculoskeletal FunctionChapter 42: Structure and Function of the Skeletal SystemChapter 43: Disorders of the Skeletal

System: Trauma, Infections, Neoplasms, and Childhood DisordersChapter 44: Disorders of the Skeletal System: Metabolic and

Rheumatic Disorders Unit 13: Integumentary FunctionChapter 45: Structure and Function of the IntegumentumChapter 46:

Disorders of Skin Integrity and Function GlossaryAppendix A: Laboratory ValuesIndex

Author Bio:


Karampelas, Dean

Aquisition Editor:

Dickinson, Sherry

Product Manager:

Lagrosa, Dawn

Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered States


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