A Bayesian randomized trial of Image-Guided Adaptive Conformal
Photon vs Proton Therapy, with Concurrent Chemotherapy, for
Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma:
Treatment Related Pneumonitis and Locoregional Recurrence
PI’s: T. Delaney of MGH and R. Mohan of MDACC.
Primary Objective
Incidence and time to development of grade > 3 TRP or local failure,
whichever comes first, among patients
treated with adaptive photon therapy (IGAXT, Group
1) or proton therapy (IGAPT, Group 2) using
randomization to 74 Gy
Pa#ent Eligibility
1. Pathologically proven, unresected NSCLC (stage II-IIIB )
with excepBon of paBents with solitary brain metastasis without sign of progression (stage IV)
2.Karnofsky performance score of > 70, or ECOG 0-1, < 10% unintenBonal weight loss
3. Measurable disease on chest x-ray, contrast-enhanced CT, or PET scan.
4. Locoregional recurrence aVer surgical resecBon, if suitable for chemoradiaBon,
5. Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) ≥ 1 liters.
6. Age≥18 years but ≤ 85 years.
Expected 6-month and 12-month treatment failure rates for IGAXT of 30% and 40%
Assumption: IGAPT reduces failure rates to 20% and 25%.
Sample size
: 168 patients.