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Prof. Steven M. Eisenstat,
2 credits day; 2 credits evening.
In this seminar, we will examine the relationship between, justice, morality and the law through
the use of selected films and writings. Each week we will discuss such topics as the death
penalty, the use of torture, terrorism, and revenge in light of their legality, as well as whether
their use are consistent with our concepts of morality and justice. We will also examine different
attempts to define such concepts as justice and morality. My method of teaching this course is
non- Socratic; thus it relies upon significant student participation and discussion. As such,
student participation is taken into account for grading purposes. There is a final paper for the
course. The paper can not be used to satisfy the legal writing requirement.
Enrollment is limited: 20
Elective Course
Final Paper Required
Juvenile Defenders Clinic