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Battered Women's Advocacy Project
Ms. Christine Butler,
4 credits day; 4 credits evening.
BWAP is a one-semester clinical course offered to students
in their last or next-to-last year of law school. It provides for each student to be placed in a
courthouse, Legal Services Office or legal advocacy office one day weekly to assist on an as-
needed basis with cases involving orders of protection and criminal harassments complaints by
any individual being abused by a family member or intimate partner. Students must also attend
class once weekly (1 hour, 50 minutes) and the class combines some lectures and guest speaker
presentations with open discussions, viewing and discussing documentary work on domestic
violence issues and case-related discussions arising from the students‘ various placements. This
is a pass-fail course, with some written assignments, including journals relating to placements.
Elective Course
Meets Civil Litigation Concentration Requirements
Biomedical Law and Public Policy