ENTSOG Annual Report 2013 - page 27

The Gas Coordination Group (GCG) is a platform
established by Regulation (EU) 994 / 2010 that
introduces measures of safeguarding the securi-
ty of gas supply.
The role of the Gas Coordination Group (GCG) is
to exchange information and best practices, and
to facilitate implementation of Security of Supply
(SoS) standards. Members include the European
Commission, representatives of EU Member
States, ENTSOG and other international and Euro-
pean associations.
ENTSOG is often asked for its expert opinion on
different SoS-related subjects and also assists
GCG by modelling the resilience of the European
gas system under specific scenarios. ENTSOG
also assists GCG by modelling the resilience of the
European gas system under specific scenarios.
Every year, ENTSOG presents its seasonal Supply
Outlooks, Seasonal Reviews and TYNDP to GCG.
Member States and the European Commission
use these data as inputs for their own analyses.
For this reason, ENTSOG has offered to define
which situations are to be included in future
Supply Outlooks for GCG.
In 2013, the GCG continues to draw its attention
to the links between gas and electricity. The de-
cline of underground gas storage (UGS) levels at
the end of the injection season over the past few
years has also been of concern for many Member
GRIP map
GRIP North-West
GRIP South
GRIP South-North
GRIP Southern
GRIP Central
Eastern Europe
ENTSOG Annual Report 2013 |
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