ENTSOG Annual Report 2013 - page 32

INT WG is supported by the following kernel groups (KGs):
Advisory KG, responsible for coordinating processes relevant to the de-
velopment and delivery of the network code on Interoperability and
Data Exchange Rules
Business Rules KG, responsible for development of harmonised rules
related to technical cooperation between TSOs, including interconnec-
tion agreements
Gas Quality KG, responsible for issues related to quality specifications
and odourisation practises
IT & Communications Roadmap KG, responsible for issues related to
streamlining communication solutions for data exchange
Technical Solutions Adoption& Implementation Group, responsible
for developing common tools for data exchange necessary for the
implementation of developed network codes
EU-Russia Dialogue WS3 support KG, responsible for developing
proposals for an early warning and reaction system in case of gas
supply crisis
Operational, technical, communication and busi-
ness interoperability is a prerequisite for the prop-
er functioning and integration of the gas market.
In gas transmission services, interoperability can
be seen as a set of technical and operational rules
that enhance cooperation among system opera-
tors and network users, thus facilitating the ex-
change of gas across networks. Network codes
define new business processes. Interoperability
and data exchange rules form the seamless inter-
faces between TSOs to make this a success.
After being invited by the European Commission,
ENTSOG commenced work on developing a net-
work code for Interoperability and Data Exchange
in September 2012.
In 2013, ENTSOG continued development work
through an open and transparent cooperation
process with stakeholders, European Commission
and ACER.
The following milestones were achieved in 2013:
Publication of initial draft network code and
supporting document plus launch of a two-
month public consultation (28 February –
26 April) with the following stakeholder
–– Consultation workshop to present initial
draft of network code (20 March)
–– Third Countries Workshop in cooperation
with Energy Community in Vienna
(16 April)
–– Data Exchange Workshop to present the
selection approach for common data ex-
change solutions based on cost-benefit
-assessment (23 April)
–– Madrid Forum (17 April)
Refinement of initial draft of network code
integrating stakeholders’ feedback from
public consultation and preliminary views
from ACER with the following events:
Conclusions Workshop to present the out-
come of public consultation and refinement
proposals for network code (28 May)
System Operation
Interoperability WG
Advisory KG
Gas Quality KG
Business Rules KG
EU-Russia Dialogue
WS3 support KG
IT & Communications
Roadmap KG
Technical Solutions
Adoption & Imple­
mentation Group
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ENTSOG Annual Report 2013
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