Emerging Concepts in Ion Channel Biophysics
Tuesday Speaker Abstracts
Physiological Implications of Anoctamin 1, a Calcium-activated Chloride Channel
Uhtaek Oh
Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea,
Seoul National University,
Seoul, South Korea.
Anoctamin 1 (ANO1/TMEM16A) is activated by intracellular Ca
and voltage. ANO1 is
expressed in epithelia of salivary glands, pancreas, kidney, pulmonary airways, the retina, and
sensory neurons. ANO1 is highly expressed in dorsal-root ganglion (DRG) neurons, suggesting a
role in nociception. ANO1 is activated by heat over 44oC. ANO1 is highly co-expressed with
TRPV1, a marker for nociceptors, suggesting the involvement in nociception. Ano1-deficient
mice specifically in DRG neurons were generated. Adv/Ano1fl/fl mice that have a functional
ablation of Ano1 mainly in DRG neurons showed reduced responses to painful heat. Thus,
ANO1 plays an important role in mediating nociception in sensory neurons. Itch is an unpleasant
sensation that evokes a desire to scratch. Because of high expression in nociceptors, ANO1 may
be involved in itch signals. We found that ANO1 also mediates itch. Adv/Ano1fl/fl mice showed
reduced scratching behaviors in response to non-histaminergic pruritic substances, but not to
histaminergic pruritogens. Cl- secretion is important for protection of intestinal epithelia.
Whether CaCC plays a role for the Cl- secretion in GI tracts is not known. When Ano1 is
abolished in small and large intestines, carbachol-induced Cl- conductance was significantly
reduced in duodenum, jejunum and proximal colon. The colon of Ano1 deficient mice was
edematous. Furthermore, when colitis was induced by dextran sodium sulfate (DSS), Ano1-
deficient mice developed severe colitis in colon. These results clearly suggest that ANO1 plays
an active role in secreting Cl- in intestines. In addition, ANO1 plays a critical role in
testosterone-induced benign prostate hyperplasia. Testosterone upregulates Ano1 transcripts
because there are few androgen-response elements in the promoter region of Ano1. In addition,
inhibition of ANO1 activity or downregulation of Ano1 reduced the size of testosterone-induced
prostates. Thus, it is clear that ANO1 mediates testosterone-induced prostate hyperalgesia.