season. A reminder for the breakfast, luncheon, dinner
and supper cards, together with brief notations of inter
est to the proprietor, steward, Lcadwnlter and chef. An
exposition of catering ideas calculated to popularize pub
lic dining halls. A chapter devoted to the most popular
soups, fish, boiled meats, roasts, and entrees; also a de
partment for banquet bills of fare and suggestions for
dinner party menus. An appendix of 100 pages of sample
menus and bills of fare. Price, postpaid, $2.
Paul Bichards* Pastry Book includes practical recipes
for breads, rolls and buns of all kinds; puddings, hot
and cold, of all kinds; pudding sauces, cakes of all kinds,
icings, cake ornamenting, pies of all kinds, with the
difTercnt pastes and fillings, tarts of all kinds, creams of
all kinds, ice creams and ices, cups, sherbets, frappes,
frozen punches, glaccs, timbales, charlottes, sweet
omelets, fritters, compotes, Jellies, Jams, syrups, ex
tracts, sugar boiling, colors the popular candy and con
fectionery goods, egg preserving; German, English,
French, Scotch, and other specialties; together with
many useful hints, supplemented with about three thou
sand indexed reference lines. It Is without doubt the
most complete and best pastry book ever written. One
hundred and eighty pages. Leaf measures
Printed on buff Iluen ledger paper, hand sewed, and
bound In leather. Price, postpaid, $2,
The Lunch Boom, by Paul Biclmrds, supplies a long-
felt want, not alone for the proprietors of lunch
rooms .as a guide to making and marketing their foods
and beverages, but also Is of great value to hotel-
keepers; In particular those that have been on the
American plan and arc changing over to European plan;
or others, established European plan, that are following
the now very general custom of putting in a lunch room
in addition to the restaurant. Contains plans, book
keeping forms and specimen bills of fare. Price, post
paid, ?2.
Vest Pocket Pastry Book, By John E. Melster. The
most useful book for pastry cooks and bread bakers
ever published. The author has produced in condensed
form a series of receipts for breads, cakes, pies, pud
dings, creams, ices, Jellies, etc., especially adapted to
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rant, bakery, club and institution. The book contains
five hundred receipts, locludlng hot puddings, pudding
sauces, etc. (57 receipts); cold puddings, side dishes,
Jellies, etc. (77 receipts); ice creams, water - lees,
punches, etc. (00 receipts); pasties, patties, pies, tarts,
etc. (08 receipts); cakes (77 receipts); icings, colorings,
sugars, etc. (17 receipts); bread, rolls, yeast raised
cakes, griddle cakes, etc. (GO receipts); miscellaneous
receipts (55 receipts). This book is printed on linen
paper and bound in leather. Price, postpaid, $1.
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great improvement of the average hotel and restaurant
cul.slne. Is in many respects tiic most important culinary
book for hotel requirements ever written. One hundred
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