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Curriculum Overview KS3


Business Studies

Overview effective from[date


September 2017

The effects of


and logistics on

a business

To understand



and logistics are

and their effect

on a business.

The effects of

procurement and

logistics on a business

include efficiency and

lower unit costs


Teacher led explanation of procurement and logistics. Good reference on


between procurement and logistics

Students list the main procurement and logistics decisions they would need to make if

they were running a small café – buying food, ensuring delivery of food, replacing

broken plates etc.

For each decision they should identify what actions the café could undertake to lower

their unit costs.

To understand

that the benefits

of reduced costs

must be


against the

quality of



Starter – students list 5 key terms from the production unit. Key terms are swapped

with a partner who defines them.

Recap understanding of procurement and logistics from last lesson.

Students swap the list of strategies they generated last lesson with their partner. The

partner should consider the drawbacks/problems that might be encountered with each

strategy. Drawbacks/potential issues should be written in a different coloured pen.

The value of

effective supply



To understand

what a supply

chain is.

To explain the

benefits of

managing an

effective supply


The value of effective

supply chain

management includes

working with suppliers to

ensure that key

processes are running

efficiently and cost

effectively, getting goods

and services for the best

price and value and

cutting any waste and

unnecessary costs to

create a streamlined

process and fast

production times.


Starter – show

video about t he McDonald’s supply chain

Teacher led explanation of a supply chain.

Discuss Fairtrade products and the supply chain for cocoa beans, bananas etc. Show

video on fair trade for suppliers of footballs

Using knowledge gained in the production unit students brainstorm the main benefits

of managing an effective supply chain.

Supply and procurement – Opito

Analyse two benefits that McDonald’s gain from effectively managing their supply

chain (6 marks).