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Croake et al

after the University of Iowa head and neck protocol for

LEMG diagnostics.


Laryngeal electromyography was

performed on the right thyroarytenoid muscle of 7 partici-

pants with normal vocal function on 3 separate occasions

with the application of an additional behavioral control for

vocal intensity. We hypothesized that time of testing and

vocal intensity would significantly alter quantitative mea-

sures of thyroarytenoid EMG signals.

Materials and Methods

Seven participants, ages 18 to 40 years (3 male and 4

female), were recruited and volunteered for this study. Ten

participants were initially recruited based on power analysis

for the repeated measures design. Two participants did not

complete the entire study protocol, and 1 participant had

unusable data. All were nonsmokers, English speaking, and

free of laryngeal pathology and movement disorders as

judged by stroboscopic examination of the larynx. Exclusion

criteria were professional voice training, diagnosed bleed-

ing disorder, prior head/neck/spinal surgery, and/or intuba-

tion within the past 5 years. All procedures were approved

by the University of Kentucky Institutional Review Board,

and informed consent was obtained from all participants.

All assessments were performed at the University of

Kentucky Laryngeal & Speech Dynamics Laboratory.

Prior to data collection, all participants received a

laryngeal exam via videostroboscopy to ensure normal

vocal function and structure (Kay Elemetrics Rhino-

Laryngeal Stroboscope [Model RLS 9100 B], Kay

Elemetrics 70 degree rigid endoscope [Model SN 1541];

PENTAX Medical, Montvale, New Jersey, USA). This

examination was performed by a certified/licensed speech-

language pathologist and reviewed by a board certified


After imaging was completed, electromyographic biopo-

tentials (μV) were acquired from the right TA muscle via a

25-mm, 30-gauge concentric bipolar needle electrode

(XLTEK 101468; Natus Medical, San Carlos, California,

USA). The raw EMG signal was routed to a biopotential

amplifier (Grass Model 15A54; Natus Neurology, Warwick,

Rhode Island, USA) and serially coupled to a 16-bit analog-

to-digital converter sampling at 10 kHz (PowerLab 1630;

ADInstruments, Inc, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA).

Prior to digitization, analog signals were band-pass filtered

(30 Hz–3 kHz @ –3 dB), with an in-line notch filter applied

to reduce 60 Hz line contamination. The LEMG analog out-

put was paralleled to a stereo amplifier and played over

loud speakers to provide the otolaryngologist with auditory

feedback of muscle activity during needle insertion. Audio

(volts) and sound intensity levels (dB SPL) from the partici-

pant’s vocalizations were recorded by a lapel-style micro-

phone (Sony ECM44B; Sony Corporation, New York, New

York, USA) and a commercially available sound level meter

(REED ST-8850; REED Instruments, Sainte-Anne-De-

Bellvue, Quebec, Canada). Both signals were also digitized

by the A/D system (audio sampling rate = 2 kHz; sound

pressure level = 1 kHz). All signals were recorded in cali-

brated units using a proprietary 2-point interpolation

method found in our digitization software package

(LabChart 7; ADInstruments, Inc). Post-acquisition LEMG

signal processing was completed using custom-coded

LabChart routines.

Laryngeal electromyography testing was performed in a

custom-built Faraday booth to reduce electromagnetic field

effects. Participants were seated in an examination chair,

reclined to approximately 60 degrees, with their heads

comfortably supported by a neck pillow. No sedation or

anesthetic was used during the needle insertion and record-

ing procedure. A ground electrode was placed on the par-

ticipant’s neck, below the mastoid process. Thyroarytenoid

needle insertion by an otolaryngologist with 10 years of

experience performing clinical LEMG procedures was

accomplished using a para-medial approach percutane-

ously with the electrode directed in a superolateral direc-

tion through the cricothyroid ligament with the muscle

entered submucosally. Needle electrode placement was

confirmed using the following behavioral tasks: normal

rest breathing, phonation on sustained /i/, sniff, and sus-

tained phonation of falsetto /i/. Upon completion of the

study, the needle electrode was removed by the physician

and participants were monitored for 15 minutes after the

study in case of complications.

Digitized raw LEMG signals were full-wave rectified

and RMS signal amplitude values were calculated online

with the LabChart software package. Root mean square was

calculated as the square root of the mean of a series of

squared LEMG amplitude values. Root mean square ampli-

tudes were used in all analyses to determine if significant

variance in the LEMG signal existed as a function of vocal

intensity and time of data acquisition.

Experimental Protocol

Electromyography of the right TA was performed on each

participant on 3 different occasions with a minimum of 1

month between adjacent procedures (mean duration = 2.5

months) to allow for tissue healing. Each session took place

at approximately the same time of day and lasted no more

than 30 minutes (including videostroboscopy). After needle

electrode placement was confirmed within the TA, LEMG

signals were recorded under 2 task conditions. First, a con-

firmation condition was completed by recording baseline

LEMG signals while the participant was instructed to relax

and breathe normally, sustain the vowel /i/ at a comfortable

modal pitch, gently sniff through the nose, and sustain a

falsetto /i/. Second, a feedback condition was completed

with the participant producing a sustained /i/ at 2 different