Sales Training 2014 - Dentistry - page 10

Materials Used in Dentistry, 1/e
9788184735109 ● Paperback ● 864 Pages ● 1150.00 ● 2013
S. Mahalaxmi
, Professor & Head, Dept. of Conservative Dentistry &
Endodontics, SRM Dental College, Chennai.
Primary Market:
BDS Students (1
year, 2
Secondary Market:
Students preparing for PG entrance exams.
Conceptual analysis is widely supported by appropriate photographs and correlated with
appropriate clinical situations.
Additional information and recent advances are highlighted in boxes.
Key points in connection with multiple choice questions asked in various competitive entrance
examinations such as AIPG and AIIMS are emphasized.
For self-assessment, probable questions are given at the end of each chapter.
More key features:
The subject is organized into 10 sections. Of these, the sections "Endodontic Materials" and
"Surgical and Periodontal Materials", which includes chapters on local anesthetics and suture
materials, are unique features of the book.
Two frequently used and fast-emerging material science topics - Biomaterials, highlighting the
use of recent techniques such as tissue engineering and nanotechnology, and Indirect Composite
Resins - are allocated separate chapters.
Sections on restorative materials describe both conventional and new materials and include
independent chapters on direct filling gold, dental ceramics, and dental implant biomaterials.
Auxiliary materials and techniques are extensively discussed in a separate section. This section
deals mainly with materials used in the dental laboratory.
Materials used in preventive dentistry, an important aspect of patient management, are
discussed in a separate section this section highlights antiplaque agents, remineralization agents,
and pit and fissure sealants.
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