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With a new school year just

beginning, there are many op-

portunities to get involved,

and people like Carmen Danz

are taking advantage of them.

This year, she will be play-

ing on the tennis and lacrosse

teams, be involved in the the-

ater program, read the morning

announcements, and be a Link

Crew commissioner.

“I think being involved is

super important because that’s

where you’ll meet new people

and find your niche. It gets you

out of your comfort zone in a

way,” said Danz.

With forty-nine clubs and

fourteen different sports avail-

able, Appleton North has of-

fered students like Danz many

ways to get involved and meet

people in their school. She

started her freshman year by

joining lacrosse and theater,

later joining tennis as a sopho-

more, Link Crew as a junior,

and the announcements readers

as a senior. She recommends

always being willing to try new

things, especially as a fresh-


“Explore all the different op-

tions, even if it’s nerve-wrack-

ing,” said Danz. “You can even

start small; just join one club or

talk to a few different people.

It’s all about baby steps. North

allows so many different op-

portunities for this to happen

with so many different groups

available to people.”

Further growth

With this year’s freshman

class being the biggest one yet

and North’s population grow-

ing each year, there are more

people than ever who are able

to get involved. North’s pro-

grams are part of what is draw-

ing people to the school.

“Our theater program is

phenomenal. I know we have

students come just for the-

ater. We’ve had students come

for our performance team, so

sports can play a role in that,

too,” said Associate Principal

Mr. Dave Pynenberg. “But I

would say that a majority of

the time people are looking at

the academics piece. We were

a USAToday award winner for

testing. Those things all play

a part [in attracting new stu-


Due to a variety of factors,

Appleton North’s student pop-

ulation has been consistently

growing over the past few

years. One of these reasons in-

cludes the growing freshmen

classes each year. This year’s

freshmen class included 476

students as of Aug. 16, but this

number is expected to grow at

least six or seven students be-

tween then and the third Friday

count, which is a final count of

students that occurs on the third

Friday of September.

North is also gaining stu-

dents in all grades due to open

enrollment. Each year, schools

will have students transfer in

and out of the school, but North

usually gains more students

than they lose. This year, North

is projected to gain 30 or more

students from in-district open

enrollment and 60 to 75 from


Students are gaining new op-

portunities to open enroll that

weren’t available in previous

years. Outside of the regu-

lar open enrollment period,

which closes late in the previ-

ous school year, students can

now apply through alternate

open enrollment, which doesn’t

close until the new school year

starts. Due to this new system,

students can open enroll all

throughout the summer, which

can greatly impact class sizes;

North generally gains 60 to 75

students in the month of July


Lessons from experience

With all of these new stu-

dents, the beginning of the

school year can be a great time

to meet new people and try new

things. Getting involved has

helped people like Danz learn

to be themselves and explore

their community.

Appleton, Wisconsin

September 2016


Issue I

Whenever I’m asked to de-

scribe what I enjoy most about

Appleton North, I say the op-

portunities offered. Because

there are a lot of them, oppor-

tunities that is.

As a young freshman these

opportunities could seem over-

whelming; as a senior perhaps

they’re a bit under whelming.

Regardless of their percep-

tion, these opportunities exist

in service of all students. And

it’d be naïve not to take ad-

vantage of them, to challenge

high school’s stereotypical lull

through active engagement. It’s

one thing to attend class and

do homework, it’s another to

immerse yourself in fulfilling


Participation in the myriad of

clubs, sports, and activities of-

fered in and out

of high school

must be done

in moderation

however. Too

often, students

are pushed to

become in-

volved for the

wrong reasons

and at an in-

correct depth.

Regardless of

the current so-

cietal narrative, you cannot and

should not do something solely

to pad a resume. Because ulti-

mately, why invest your time in

something you have no passion

for? Time is one of the most

rare and valuable resources and

must be used thoughtfully.

After becoming involved in

many activist related organi-

zations such as Youth in Gov-

ernment, Student Council, and

the school paper I realized sur-

face level involvement was a

hinderance and stepped out of

Student Council despite its un-

deniable value – an important

lesson I learned about balance.

It’s also important that peo-

ple know there’s no specific

formula for involvement. Some

students don’t have the ability

to invest time in extracurricu-

lars – maybe they care for a

family or work long hours.

Being intentional about the

investment of time is the best

way to have a positive and ful-

filling high school experience.


is key in

high school

By Nora Ptacek

Nora Ptacek

is the Senior


Chief of the


Class growth links students to opportunity

By Ally Price



, Page 2

Related article

Noctiluca editorial: the

importance of getting

involved, Page 2

During freshmen orientation on Thursday, Aug. 25 freshmen walk through the ceremonial tunnel to signify the transition into high


Photo by Olivia Molter

Link Crew members go through activities with freshmen during


Photo by Olivia Molter

Class-size comparison

This year’s freshmen

population is bigger than in

North’s previous years:

2013-14 ..................... 437

2014-15 ..................... 457

2015-16 ..................... 471

2016-17 ..................... 476

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