Design Guidelines
The Town is primarily concerned with the appearance of the telecommunication facility
and whether it blends with the surroundings; therefore, suggested design guidelines
follow. These guidelines are not all‐inclusive and applicants are encouraged to propose
creative solutions that meet the intent of the Master Plan.
Town Center Telecommunication Facilities
Telecommunication facilities located on or within an historic structure shall not
alter or damage the features, distinctive construction methods, or original historic
materials of the building.
Any alteration made to an historic structure to accommodate a telecommunication
facility shall be fully reversible.
Facilities attached to streetlight poles, parking lot light poles, etc. shall be fully
Concealed Telecommunication Facilities
Concealed facilities are preferred.
New concealed facilities should blend with the surroundings and avoid being
conspicuous, such as a faux tree should not tower over neighboring trees and a
flagpole type should reasonably resemble a typical flagpole.
The faux tree type should be designed to resemble the predominant tree in the area
and should be constructed of materials that will retain a natural appearance.
The surrounding environment (e.g. topography, trees, or buildings) should be used
to the maximum extent possible to conceal the telecommunication facility and
compound area.
Concealed telecommunication facility types should vary in the Town to avoid too
many of any one particular type.
Non‐Concealed Telecommunication Facilities (Monopoles)
New lattice towers are not permitted within the Town.
A monopole should be sited among other elements to reduce its visibility, such as,
among a stand of trees or within a power substation.
As appropriate, monopoles should be colored to match their foreground or
background elements.
A monopole to be located on publicly owned property shall be concealed as a faux
tree type and should be placed next to real trees. The applicant may be required to
plant large trees if real trees are not located nearby.
Antennas may be screened with materials that are transparent to the RF signal, but
mitigate the visual impact.
Flush mounting on a building wall is the least conspicuous placement. Flush‐
mounted antennas shall be concealed to blend with the building wall.
Rooftop antennas shall be placed in the center. A secondary location is a central
place on the roof where the roofline can cut off angles of view, making the antennas