Home-made Beverages
good brandy for 2 months, keepmg the jar
tightly covered and shaking it occasionally.
Boil I pint of water and lib. pure cane sugar to
gether for five minutes, skim, and when cold
add the strained brandy. Pour into bottles,
and cork and seal them securely.
Angelica Liqueur.
Infuse ^Ib. chopped angelica stalks in 2J pints
of pure rectified spirits of wine for 6 weeks,
keeping the jar tightly covered and shaking it
frequently. Strain, add the thinly pared rmd
of half a small lemon. 2cloves, J oz.cinnamon,
and1 lb. sugar candy. Infuse for three weeks,
then strain through filtering paper and store in
air-tight bottles.
Angelica Ratafia.
Infuse 2 oz. angelica stalks, i oz. blanched
and shredded bitter almonds, haU a teaspoonful
of angeUca seeds and 1 lb.crushed sugar candy
in 3 quarts of good brandy for 10 days, keeping
the jar well covered and shaking it frequently.
Strain through filtering paper, and store in
air-tight bottles.
Aniseed Cordial.
Steep 1 oz. aniseed and J lb pure cane in
a quart of good brandy for three weeks. Then
strain through filtering paper and store in air
tight bottles.
Boil 2 lb. pure cane sugar in a pint of water
for five minutes, skim, and when cold add a
quartof pure rectified spirits of wine and twenty-
^our drops of essence of aniseed. Store m air
tight bottles.
Apple Juice.
Peel and core some juicy cooking apples,
weigh them,and put4 lb.into ajar with 3pints
of cold water. Simmer gently until the apples
are broken, then strain through a jelly bag.
Measure the liquid, and boil it for ten mmutes
with 4 lb. pure cane sugar to every pint of
liquid. When cold, pour into bottles, cork
them tightly, and seal with bottling wax.
Dilute with plain or aerated water as required.