paratus with 2 fountains: Charge the generator with 9
gallons water, 6 gallons ground marble, and 3 gallons sul
phuric acid; put 2 gallons water in the gas washer, and
20 gallons wine in each of the fountains. For a warm cli
mate, a pressure of 70 pounds to the square inch is suf
ficient. When the wine is made in winter for immediate
sale, the pressure may he increased to 80 pounds. Genuine
champagne has an average pressure of 50 pounds.
40 gallons California wine; i quart raspberry syrup; 4
gallons syrup made of 25 pounds sugar and 2 gallons
water; and 4 gallons water. Or: 20 gallons California
wine; 20 gallons Sauteme or white Bordeaux wine;
gallon old cognac brandy; with 4 gallons syrup as before.
Add to these 10 per cent of water.
40 gallons white Bordeauxwine; i gallon muscat wine;
Yi gallon old cognac brandy; and 4 gallons syrup made
of 25 pounds sugar and 2 gallons water. In this receipt
a little tincture of vanilla, or a small bottle of bouquet
venatique, may be used instead of the muscat wine. They
may be omitted altogether if aroma is not desired.