prunes and broken the kernels. Pour on them i gallon
spirits 20 above proof. Cover it close, and let it stand
8 days. Filter the liquor, and mix with that containing
the oil and ammonia. Bottle it for use. This makes the
best flavoring knovm for manufacturing brandies, or
for adding to such cordials, syrups, etc., as require a
fine brandy flavor.
To 36 gallons French proof spirits, add 4 gallons Pel-
levoisin or Marette cognac, ^ gallon best sherry or
Madeira wine, and 20 drops oil of cognac, dissolved in
a little 95 per cent alcohol. Then pour 2 quarts boiling
water over 2 ounces black tea; when cold, filter through
flannel, and add a little maraschino; mix this with the
other ingredients, and color the whole to suit, with
Another excellent formula is as follows: Dissolve 20
drops oil of cognac and 15 drops oil of bitter almonds
in a little 95 per cent alcohol; add it to 40 gallons 60
per cent French spirit, with 2 pints tincture of raisin,
2 pints of tincture of prunes, 3 pints best Jamaica rum,
3 pints best sherry -wine, and ounce acetic ether. Color
with caramel.
Take 40 gallons French spirit; add to it i pint tinc
ture of raisins, i quart prune flavoring,
gallon best