Dr. Tony Smith
Moving Forward
Thursday, October 1
Third General Session
1:45 - 2;45 p.m.
Featured Speakers
Consuelo Kickbusch
Valuing Diversity
Thursday, October 1
Second General Session
9:15 - 11 a.m.
Kickbusch sees public education as ‘great equalizer’ in
land of diversity
hereto read the in-depth profile from the
August issue of
Leadership Matters
New State Superintendent wants to open doors of opportunity for
all students
hereto read the in-depth profile of Dr. Smith.
Mark Anthony Garrett
Teachers are Heroes - A new
Paradigm for Service Excellence
Friday, October 2
Closing General Session
9:30 - 11:45 a.m.
‘Teachers are Heroes’ is Garret’s life story
hereto read the in-depth profile from the August issue of
Karen Beerer
Leading the Learning
in a Digital Age: Why Now
Wednesday, September 30
Opening Ceremony/
First General Session
4:30 - 5:45
Beerer will talk about how to LEAD in digital age
hereto read the in-depth profile from the
August issue of
Leadership Matters