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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


MR. RICHARD D. ORR, Solicitor, died upon

the 30th January, 1926, at Dublin.

Mr. Orr was admitted in Trinity Sittings,

1919, under Section 29 of the Solicitors

(Ireland) Act, 1898, and practised at 5 Foster

Place, Dublin.

MR. DAVID DUNNE, Solicitor, died upon

the 31st January, 1926, at his residence,

32 Upper Merrion Street, Dublin.

Mr. Dunne served his apprenticeship with

the late Mr. Thomas F. O'Connell, Dublin ;

was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1884, and

practised at 25 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin.


MR. HENRY B. O'HANLON, 58 Dame Street,

Dublin, has been appointed Solicitor to the


MR. W. C. M. CORRIGAN, Solicitor, 3 Saint

Andrew Street, Dublin, has been appointed a

Notary Public.

Land Purchase.


A member draws attention to the law as it

exists, that where interest, annuity or any

other annual payment charged with tax under

Schedule D, is paid out of capital money, the

rate of income tax to be deducted should be

the rate current during the accrual of the

interest (Rule 21

(1) of the General Rules

contained in Schedule 1 of the Income Tax

Act, 1918).

The interest paid out of capital will be

regarded by the Income Tax Authorities as

the income of the payee for the period in

which it accrued, and objection will not be

offered by them that a claim is Statute-

barred, where a claim for refund of such

income tax is made by a person to whom the

interest is payable, and who otherwise is

entitled to a refund, provided it be made

within a reasonable time of the receipt of

the interest.

Land Purchase.

The Judicial Commissioner has issued a






intimating that when the total purchase

money of all the land of any owner which in

normal circumstances shall become vested in

the Land Commission under the Land Act,

1923, shall not exceed £100, as soon as a

provisional list or other official intimation

indicating the land that shall become so

vested shall have been issued, and before

preparing a Statement of Ownership, the

Solicitor acting for the owner should attend

before the Examiner to take directions as to

whether the lodgment of such Statement may

be dispensed with, and generally as to the

evidence that shall be required, and the

proceedings that should be taken to obtain

payment or distribution of the purchase


Solicitors' Benevolent Association.

The Directors have elected Sir George

Roche as Chairman, Mr. Joseph E. Mac-

Dermott as Deputy Chairman, and Mr.

George Collins as Honorary Secretary of the

Association for the current year.

The Directors having received from Mr.

F. C. Earle Bland a request that they would

accept his resignation of the office of Secre–

tary of the Association as from the first day

of May next, the following resolution, moved

by the Chairman (Sir George Roche), seconded

by Mr. J. E. MacDermott, was passed

unanimously :

" The Directors of the Solicitors' Bene–

volent Association have received with deep

regret from Mr. F. C. Earle Bland the

intimation of his desire to retire from the

office of Secretary of the Association.

" The Directors, in accepting Mr. Eland's

resignation, desire to place on record their






rendered by him to the Association for the

past forty years, during which he has filled

the office as Secretary. During all those

years Mr. Bland has zealously carried on

the work of the Association in the best

interests of

those for whose

relief the

Association exists. He has spared neither

time nor trouble in advancing the interests

of the Association and in assisting the

Directors in the administration of their


" The Directors desire to express to him

their deep sense of obligation for all the

assistance he has rendered to them and for

the good work he has done

for the
