Speak Out
February 2017
SA 573
as at November 2016
I am sure
those who attended the 2016
National Conference will agree that one of the
highlights was the Elizabeth Usher Memorial
Lecture presented by Winthrop Professor
Andrew Whitehouse titled Can we prevent
disability in autism through infant interventions?
Re-writing the rulebook. So when the
opportunity arose to have Andrew reprise this
lecture in Adelaide in October, the SA Branch
jumped at the chance! A flurry of emails and
phone calls quickly lead to agreement to make
it happen.
Penny Miller from Novita Children’s Services
provided invaluable assistance by negotiating
use of the lecture theatre at the Regency Park
site as the venue. Invitations to attend were
extended to both members and non-members,
including speech pathologists and other
interested professionals. In addition to the usual
information to Branch members, flyers about
the lecture were also disseminated through
workplace networks to “spread the word”.
On the day around 100 professionals, mostly
speech pathologists, gathered from 5.30 pm to
network and catch up over light refreshments
ready for the lecture commencing at 6 pm.
Recognising the opportunity to raise awareness
among member and non-member speech
pathologists who may not usually be involved
in the association at the local level, Executive
provided a flyer highlighting key aspects of
Branch activity as well as ways to keep informed
and/or engage with the Branch.
Branch Chair Cathy Clark welcomed attendees
and I had the privilege of introducing Andrew.
Retitled Autism: Challenging the status quo
for the Branch Lecture, Andrew once again
delivered an engaging, informative, thought-
provoking and inspiring presentation of his
research and endeavours towards his “dream”
to reduce the disability impact of Autism.
Attendees appreciated the opportunity to ask
questions at the end. We await the findings of
the early intervention trial occurring in Western
Australia with great interest.
This was the first time the SA Branch has
undertaken a Branch lecture and it was a
resounding success. It also sparked further
interest in the National Conference coming up
in Adelaide in 2018. We are very grateful to
Andrew for making himself available, to Novita
Children’s Services for the venue and the various
Executive and Branch members who assisted in
facilitating the event in anyway, large or small.
Barbara Lyndon
Professional Learning Working Group Leader
South Australian Branch
SA Branch Lecture by Winthrop
Professor AndrewWhitehouse
Cathy Clark, Winthrop Professor Andrew Whitehouse, Penny Miller, Barbara Lyndon.