SPDS 09052014 - page 246

Analytical challenges
Raw material variability and differences 
between species/variety of cinnamon
Different forms and matrices
Possible contamination from harvesting, 
drying and handling
Possible lack of reference standards
Availability of cost effective methods
Existing methods ‐ General
Sample extraction
Apparatus (Soxhlet, Clevenger’s apparatus, etc.)
Time and temperature of extraction
Purification and concentration
Gas chromatography (GC)
Gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS)
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Flow injection mass spectrometry (FIMS) fingerprinting method for 
species identification
UPLC (for analysis of coumarin, cinnamyl alcohol, cinnamaldehyde, 
cinnamic acid, eugenol, and cinnamyl acetate)
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