SPDS 09052014 - page 256

The FC assay may not give an accurate 
estimation of phenolic contents of plants, 
extracts or supplements which also contain 
th FC ti
b t
o er ‐reac ve su s ances
The FC assay is a nonspecific antioxidant assay
Many possible interferences including ascorbic 
Waterhouse, A.L., Determination of Total Phenolics, in Current Protocols in Food Analytical Chemistry, I1.1.1‐I1.1.8, 
Wrolstad,R.E., Wiley, 2001, or Singleton, V. L.; Orthofer, R.; Lamuela‐Raventos, R. M. Analysis of total phenols and 
other oxidation substrates and antioxidantsby means of Folin‐CiocalteuReagent. Methods in Enzymology 1999, 299, 152‐178.
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