wiredinUSA October 2011 - page 18-19

Over 100,000 feet of
Alcan Cable’s Stabiloy
SunPlus™ PV cable was
installed in Delaware’s
Dover SUN Park project, to
distribute power from the
combiner box to the AC/
DC inverter. Said to be
easier to install than
copper cables,
Stabiloy SunPlus cable
is an aluminum alloy
photovoltaic cable that
addresses environmental
conditions and installation
challenges associated
with solar projects.
As the largest operational
solar project in the
Northeast, SUN Park is
owned by White Oak
Solar Energy, LLC,
a subsidiary of LS Power
Group. The project was
designed and built by
SunPower Corp utilizing
systems and high
efficiency solar panels
to follow the sun’s
movement during the day,
increasing energy capture
by up to 25 per cent over
conventional fixed tilt solar
A dedication ceremony
was recently held for
Dover SUN Park, which is
planned to supply enough
power for 1,500 homes in
the Delmarva Peninsula.
of solar
wiredInUSA - October 2011
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