CA-PAC held the Annual Day at The
Races on Friday, June 17th at
Monmouth Park Ractrack. With a
record number of attendees, guests
dined on an expansive buffet while
enjoying the horse races. Thank you to
all whoattended in support of CA-PAC.
Robert Barlow, CMCA, AMS, PCAM, CIRMS
Liz Commando, CMCA, PCAM
Louis Curtis, CMCA, AMS
Chris Florio, Esq.
Carol Koransky, CPA
James Magid, CMCA, PCAM, LSM
Thomas Martin, Esq.
Michael Pesce, PCAM
J. David Ramsey, Esq.
Caroline Record, Esq.
Audrey Wisotsky, Esq.
James Rademacher
Vice President
Jack McGrath
Community Association
Political Action Committee
Jean Bestafka Loren Lightman, Esq.
Board Liaisons