A U G U S T , 2 0 1 6
Jaclyn Olszewski
Represent Your Company at CAI-NJ Events
s a paying member of an organization, there is
nothing worse than sending your registration form in
for an event that you have attended for 10+ years,
and finding out that it is sold out and you cannot get in!
You plan for these events in your calendar a year in
advance, you strategically select the team who will repre-
sent the company, you budget the cost to attend or sponsor,
even before the event itself is scheduled. Yet something
comes up. Your email doesn’t receive notice that registra-
tion is open, you are so busy at work that you thought you
already registered or simply, you just forgot.
For myself as the Director of Events and Angela, the Director
of Conference and Programs, who serve as the “Gate
Keepers” of registration, there is nothing worse for us, than tell-
ing a loyal member that they cannot attend. This is becoming
more and more of a challenge as both the New Jersey chap-
ter of Community Associations Institute, as well as the demand
for our events and programs continue to grow.
You may have noticed that so far in 2016, roughly 80%
of the CAI-NJ programs and events have sold out, causing
complications with registration and your marketing plans.
This is both and exciting yet a troubling occurrence for the
team here at CAI. The demand for our programs is great-
ly increasing, this year’s Spring Break event had a 50%
increase in registration from 2015, prompting a move to a
larger venue only one week prior. Executive Director, Larry
Thomas and I spent a full day, driving the coastline at the
Jersey Shore, uninvitingly stopping in at various venues that
we thought would be able to accommodate our group,
just days before the event was scheduled. Thankfully, we
were able to change the venue last minute and allow for
the additional 160 members to join us. The CA-PAC Day at
the Races saw an increase of 60% in registrations, and our
educational programs that Angela coordinates are seeing
waitlists for each and every class!
I can assure you that we are doing everything we can to
find larger venues to hold our events and we are trying to
inform our members as early as possible when registrations
are open, as well as when they are nearing capacity. It is
with your support and the hard work that each committee
puts into these events, that CAI-NJ is growing rapidly. With
all these additional registrations for events, members are
making connections with more and more industry profes-
sionals to grow and develop their own business. The last
thing we here at CAI-NJ want to do, is limit our members’
possibilities for networking opportunities.
In order to help you know when registrations for events
will be opening, I have created a list of the major events
Time of Year Event is Held Registration Opens
Awards Dinner
Spring Break Party
CA-PAC Day at The Races
Early June
Dennis R. Casale Memorial Golf Outing Late June
Limited Due to Partner Program
Mid- July
Senior Summit
Mid- July
Beach Party
Mid- August
Conference & Expo Booths
Early Bird at Conference
Conference & Expo Attendees
*This chart is an estimate of when registrations will open. It is subject to change.